
TeleSound: the sound messenger that sends audio Emojis

As we've said time and time again, we're huge fans of Kickstarter here at iDB, but everyone once in a while something pops up on our radar that makes us question the wisdom of making it easy for people to build and sell almost anything.

Take TeleSound as a prime example. With a goal of $100,000 and nearly a month to reach it, TeleSound is a little accessory that turns Emoji icons into audio, making it easy for your friends to not only send you silly little pictures, but to also annoy your cat in the process.

Is this uninhibited invention at its finest, and are we just getting old and boring? You be the judge...

This SIM card-friendly iPhone case is perfect for travelers

Do you travel abroad often? Maybe it's for business, or pleasure, or both. And if so, do you use the same unlocked iPhone everywhere you go? If you answered yes, to either question, you might want to check out the SIMPLcase.

The SIMPLcase is an ultra-slim iPhone 5 case—3mm in the center, 1mm at the edges—with a couple of cool features. In addition to protecting your phone, it can also store extra SIM cards, has a SIM tray eject tool, and more...

The onE Puck coaster let’s you charge your iPhone with a cup of coffee

I've covered a lot of Kickstarter projects in my day, but I have to say that this is one of the most interesting I've ever come across. The Epiphany onE Puck, by Epiphany Labs, is a drink coaster that can actually charge up your iPhone (or other device) using 'heat disparities' from a hot or cold beverage.

That's right, there's no outlet or batteries involved. Just set your drink down on the coaster, plug in your smartphone, and watch the magic happen. The coaster uses a shrunken down stirling engine to harness the aforementioned disparities into charging power. And the creators say this is just the beginning...

The official Kickstarter app finally hits the iPhone

Funding platform Kickstarter is great for crowd-sourcing projects traditional investors may not be keen on supporting. I mean, Kickstarters gave us the majestic Pebble E-Watch, a foldable iPhone keyboard, mounts,  innovative stands and a whole bunch of accessories. We're not really sure what took it so long, but here it is: the official Kickstarter app. A free download for your iPhone and iPod touch (iPads are not supported natively), the app provides easy access to thousands of projects...

Smarter Stand for iPhone keeps your device upright and earbuds tangle-free

What you see in the photo above is the new Smarter Stand for the iPhone and iPod touch. Created by Dotan Saguy, it's a dual-purpose accessory that acts as both a kickstand for your iOS device and a spool for your earbuds, so they don't get tangled.

It may not look like much, but don't underestimate Saguy's knack for turning simple ideas into hit products. He's already done it once with the Smarter Stand for iPad, raising over $150,000 via Kickstarter. And now he's looking to do it again...

iPen 2: a pressure-sensitive stylus for your iPad and Mac

Despite Steve Jobs' public disdain for styli—who can forget the infamous 'who wants a stylus?' line—the accessory has proven to be quite popular among Apple users. And if you've ever shopped around for one, you know the market is quite crowded.

But the folks at Cregle are hoping there's room for one more: the iPen 2. That's right, the team that brought you the original iPen for iPad are back with a much-improved stylus that works on a number of devices, including your iMac and Apple Display...

Pebble’s smartwatch app now available in the App Store

Good news this morning for anyone who ordered a Pebble smartwatch, the companion iOS app is now available for download. The news comes just a day after the company announced that it had started shipping its first round of watches.

The app is needed to unlock much of the Pebble's functionality, and as of yesterday, it wasn't in the App Store. And there was some concern that customers would get their watches, after months of waiting, and not really be able use them... 

Petite Square: an elegant, powerful wooden bluetooth speaker

If you're in the market for a wireless Bluetooth speaker, you won't have to look far to see some good options. There's the Jawbone Jambox and the Beats Pill, and countless other offerings from the likes of Logitech, JBL and Bose.

But what if you want something more elegant-looking? Like maybe perhaps with a vintage wooden enclosure? Then your options become a lot more limited. Luckily, we're adding another one to that list today with the Petite Square...

AL13: a slim aluminium bumper for your iPhone

Here at iDB, most of us have adopted the "no-case" policy for our iPhones. Cases are typically bulky, ugly, and although they are made to protect our handsets, they cover up the beautiful design Apple has worked so hard to achieve.

But the folks at the design firm 'm' think they have a cure for the common case. Their new AL13 is an ultra-thin bumper for the iPhone 4/5 that protects the device with lightweight aerospace aluminum without altering its look...

The MAUZ turns your iPhone into the ultimate computer mouse

Thanks to the introduction of the App Store, we've had the ability to turn our iPhones into computer mice for quite some time now. Off the top of my head I can think of several apps that do this, including Mobile Mouse and Touch Mouse by Logitech.

But none of them can do what the team at Spicebox is claiming their new MAUZ accessory can do. The peripheral connects to your iPhone via the dock connector, and gives you motion and gesture-based control over computers and other gadgets...

Amid iWatch talk, Pebble teases ‘big news’ at CES

Pebble, the company behind the upcoming smart watch of the same name,  is telling its Kickstarter backers that "it's time" for some "big news" as the company promises to livestream its CES news event January 9 at at 12pm ET. For those unaware, their Pebble E-Paper Watch has been long in the making and last April became the most highly funded Kickstarter project to date, which tells you there's certainly some demand for such a product.

Should the company finally releases its iOS and Android smart watch, it could breathe new life into the product category that cries for a sprinkle of Apple magic. Or perhaps Pebble Technology figured it better release its gizmo ahead of a rumored iWatch Apple's reportedly been collaborating on with Intel? Either way, looks like 2013 will be the year of smart watches...

New iPhone gamepad flaunts Bluetooth 4.0 and solar power

The iPhone gamepad space is starting to get a little crowded these days, mostly thanks to Kickstarter. It seems like every week now we see a new controller pop up on the crowd-funded site promising to be better than the last.

But so far, none of them have managed to go mainstream — outside of maybe the iCade line — meaning it's still anyone's game. And this week, Justice Frangipane and crew decided to throw their hats into the proverbial ring...