The official Kickstarter app finally hits the iPhone

Kickstarter 1.0 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 002)Kickstarter 1.0 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 001)

Funding platform Kickstarter is great for crowd-sourcing projects traditional investors may not be keen on supporting. I mean, Kickstarters gave us the majestic Pebble E-Watch, a foldable iPhone keyboardmounts,  innovative stands and a whole bunch of accessories. We’re not really sure what took it so long, but here it is: the official Kickstarter app. A free download for your iPhone and iPod touch (iPads are not supported natively), the app provides easy access to thousands of projects…

Per Kickstarter‘s blog post, they redesigned the project page, browse pages and other content to better support the program’s prettified interface.

The app contains the basic features you’d want, like finding new projects, backing projects and keepin up with those you’ve backed.

You can browse projects by category, popularity, your current geographical location and other filters. And since video has been a big part of Kickstarter from the onset, the app lets you enjoy any project videos available on the web site.

Kickstarter 1.0 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 003)Kickstarter 1.0 for iOS (iPhone screenshot 004)

The Activity tab collects all the updates from projects you’re backing and you can even get notified when your Facebook friends back projects or launch a project of their own.

And, if you are crowd-sourcing your own project on Kickstarter, there are some nice tools allowing creators to track their project’s progress, post updates on the go and stay connected with backers.

What’s there not to like?