Apple Podcasts

Kids programming coming to Apple Podcasts via Common Sense Media

The iPhone maker has teamed up with age-based content review service Common Sense Media to curate kids-focused narrative audio collections in the Apple Podcasts app.


Kid-approved content on Apple Podcasts. Collections are updated monthly. Currently a US-thing.

Listening to podcasts with kids

Unlike rival Spotify and Amazon which split out children-approved content into separate apps, these shows will appear on the Apple Podcasts platform and within the Apple Podcasts apps.

The Verge has more:

The initial four themes focus on narrative storytelling, shows that kids themselves recommend, mysteries and dramas, and Common Sense’s all-time picks. Programming comes from Tinkercast, American Public Media, WNYC Studios, Rebel Girls, and Nickelodeon, among others, and Common Sense will provide age group recommendations.

The collections will be highlighted on Apple's website at

Common Sense Media Picks: All-time favorites that families are sure to find entertaining and informative. One More!: Mysterious tales and action-packed dramas that kids of all ages won't want to stop listening to. Kids Know Best: Popular shows for kids, selected by kids themselves. Story Time: Story-driven shows that transport kids into a world of imagination.

Suggestions regarding those shows should start appearing today in the main carousel within the Apple Podcasts tab. They’ll also be available via the Browse tab indefinitely.

Apple and kids

Kid podcast creators have apparently experienced a boost in listeners at the start of the pandemic. For far too long, many parents have been using smartphone and tablet screens to entertain and occupy their children.

By contrast, listening to podcasts is more of a passive experience than interacting with apps or watching video. Most importantly, it doesn't mean exposing your kid to screens and the blue light which can disrupt their sleep and slow down cognitive development.

Apple also recently launched a new Apple for Kids section on its support website.

Apple Podcasts now highlights rising podcast creators every month

A teaser graphic for Apple Podcasts Spotlight featuring Chelsea Devantez's "Celebrity Book Club" podcast

Apple has launched a new editorial franchise which was designed to promote rising podcast creators every month, with comedian and filmmaker Chelsea Devantez's "Celebrity Book Club" the first such feature available at launch. These special editorials are available in the Apple Podcasts apps across the iPhone, iPad, Mac and other devices, including on the web.