
PowerdownOptions lets you respring from iOS’ power down menu

Quick access to a respring shortcut is beneficial for most jailbreakers, and there are several jailbreak tweaks to be found in Cydia’s plethora of repositories that can provide you with this kind of functionality.

But one of my favorites for iOS 11 thus far is a new free release called PowerdownOptions by iOS developer Austin West.

KeyFunctions lets you respring, reboot, or invoke safe mode with text-based commands

Because of how frequently I handle jailbreak tweaks on my jailbroken iPhone, I respring my device constantly. While some tweaks have respring buttons baked right into them for convenience, I've found that having a backup method for respringing or invoking Safe Mode on your handset can be particularly advantageous.

A whole host of tweaks in Cydia can help you respring your device in various ways, but one of the latest releases called KeyFunctions by iOS developer AlexK piqued my interest.

Don’t Stop the Party! keeps your music playing during resprings

One of my pet peeves in terms of having a jailbroken device is how any music I'm listening to while installing tweaks on my device gets silenced with every respring. Anyone who peruses Cydia and installs tweaks a lot will find this to be a buzzkill.

Fortunately, a new jailbreak tweak called Don’t Stop the Party! by iOS developers David Goldman and Wizages helps fix the problem once and for all by letting the music play straight through the respring process.

SpringChanger lets you customize your respring screen with backgrounds and colors

As we showed you last week, MakeRespringsGreatAgain allowed you to resurrect the classic Apple logo-based respring screen, a classic screen that iOS 10 jailbreakers typically don't get to see anymore.

On the other hand, if you wanted to take things a step further, a new free jailbreak tweak called SpringChanger by Wizages is worth trying out because it lets you customize the respring screen beyond recognition.

Jailbroken on iOS 10 and miss the Apple logo respring screen? This tweak brings it back

You might have noticed after jailbreaking iOS 10 with Yalu that the Apple logo-based respring screen doesn't show up anymore, and it would seem that some jailbreak users are beginning to miss seeing it.

Coming to the rescue at just right time is a new free jailbreak tweak called MakeRespringsGreatAgain by wizages, which brings back the iconic Apple logo screen whenever you respring your device.

This tweak inverts the respring and reboot screen colors on your iPhone

Typically, on any black-colored iOS device, the respring or reboot screen is going to be black with a white Apple logo; and conversely, any white-colored iOS device will have a white respring or reboot screen with a black Apple logo.

Although some people may like the small variance Apple has given their devices, others may like to have the option to switch it up for themselves.

For those people, a new jailbreak tweak called InvertRespring will invert the respring and reboot screen's background and Apple logo colors to their opposites, and is now available for free in Cydia.

How to add a progress bar to the respring screen on jailbroken devices

RespringProgress is a new jailbreak tweak from Ethan Arbuckle that places a progress bar on the respring screen. This is the same black screen where the white Apple logo resides after performing a respring post jailbreak tweak install, or after invoking respring-oriented jailbreak tweaks. Have a look at our GIF animation to see how it looks in action.

Respring your device from the Settings menu with PullToRespring

Respring with a pull to refresh gesture.

If you're a long time jailbreak user, you'll know that a lot of tweaks require you to respring your device after installing them from Cydia or when you configure their settings. There is a lot of tweaks on Cydia that mimic the Respring functionality, but PullToRespring is a brand new jailbreak tweak that takes advantage of the Settings menu in order to perform the same job.