Picture in Picture

Bring useful iPad features to the iPhone with ipadify

If you’ve ever used an iPad before, then you should already know that it sports handy capabilities that can’t be had on the iPhone or iPod touch — at least not on a stock device, that is.

With the help of a newly released and free jailbreak tweak called ipadify by iOS developer Guilherme Rambo, you can port several of the iPad’s premier features to smaller handsets, including native picture-in-picture video viewing and the ability to side-load iPad-only applications like Photoshop.

How to enable and use picture-in-picture in Safari on Mac

Safari Picture-in-picture window on Mac

If you are watching a video in Safari on a site like YouTube, you can enable Picture in Picture (PiP) for that video with a simple click. This means you can keep doing what you’re doing on your Mac while still checking out that video.

Here’s how to enable and use Picture in Picture in Safari on your Mac.

Shortcuts Focus: enforcing Picture in Picture on YouTube & other unsupported websites on iPad

Your iPad supports Picture in Picture (PiP) videos in apps and webpages, but this handy mode isn't universally supported across all video-streaming websites. Crucially, PiP is unsupported by YouTube.com's iPad interface on Safari. But there's a shortcut for that, too—thanks to the power of iOS automation, you can enforce Picture in Picture on YouTube and other websites.

Expand iPad’s Picture-in-Picture feature with PiPifier

The iPad's Picture-in-Picture feature can really come in handy—when it works. Unfortunately, some pages such as YouTube use custom video players that don't have a dedicated PiP button, rendering the feature useless. That's where the app PiPifier comes into play.

PiPifier lets you view every HTML5 (which is basically every web video on iOS) in Picture-in-Picture mode. It uses a Safari Action extension, so all you have to do is open Safari to your preferred web video, tap on the Share Menu, and select the Run PiPifier option.

As you can see in the screenshots, doing this puts your video into native PiP mode. This allows you to watch your clip in a resizable window that you can place virtually anywhere on your iPad's screen, all while performing other tasks, such as replying to emails and texts.

PiPifier is available for free.

ForceInPicture enables Picture in Picture mode on unsupported devices

Picture in Picture mode is a type of multitasking that was introduced with iOS 9 so you could complete other tasks while simultaneously watching video. Unfortunately those with iPhones, iPod touches, and even some models of iPad can’t use it because it's restricted to certain models of iPad only.

A new jailbreak tweak called ForceInPicture is now available in Cydia that will enable Picture in Picture mode on all unsupported devices, so long as you’re running iOS 9 or iOS 10 on them.

Infuse 5 is out: Up Next, Split View, PiP, iCloud sync, cloud streaming & more

aTV Flash Black developer Firecore today released Infuse 5, a major new version of his versatile media player for the Apple TV, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It's the single biggest Infuse update Firecore ever released and they've been working on it for the better part of the year.

Infuse 5 packs in a bunch of goodies, including iCloud sync, a new “Up Next” discovery list for the Apple TV, Split View and Picture in Picture support on compatible iPads, cloud streaming and much more.