
How to change the background color in Numbers and Keynote

Add background color in Numbers and Keynote

We’ve shown you how to change the background color of a document in Pages. And now, let's learn how to do the same in Numbers and Keynote.

So if you want to add a little pizzazz, like a gradient or something meaningful like an image, here’s how to change the background color in Numbers and Keynote. We’ll show you how to do this on, Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

How to use Keynote Live to share your presentation online from your iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Using Keynote Live

Learn how to use Keynote Live to effortlessly share your presentations online and engage your audience remotely.

This convenient feature lets you play your presentation over the web, so your viewers can watch it in their web browser or the Keynote app. We’ll show you how to use Keynote Live to share your slideshow from your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.