Cut the Rope’s Om Nom is getting its own virtual pet app next Thursday

As noted by TouchArcade, Om Nom, the cutesy protagonist of the Cut the Rope series of puzzle games, is getting its own virtual pet app soon. Developer ZeptoLabs is reportedly aiming to release the forthcoming virtual pet simulator app in the App Store as soon as next week.

You'll be expected to attend to your candy-loving monster's daily needs by playing with him, feeding him sweeties, keeping him happy and more.

Apple TV gains revamped YouTube app with ads, Dailymotion and other new channels

As first noted by Re/code, Apple's $99 streaming box is getting a flurry of new channels today, including a redesigned YouTube app that for the first time shows ads on the platform which cannot be skipped.

It brings Apple's device on par with other platforms that have been enjoying YouTube with personalized recommendations, predictive search and all the videos for quite some time now.

In addition to the refreshed YouTube appearance with improved functionality, the set-top box has gained a set of four new channels, including Dailymotion, a video-sharing website owned by French multinational telecommunications corporation Orange.

4K movies and TV shows arrive to Prime subscribers via Amazon Instant Video

Joining Netflix which offers 4K (or Ultra HD) video and video sharing websites like Google's YouTube and Vimeo that offer streaming in 4K resolution, Amazon on Tuesday said its Prime subscribers can stream select television shows and movies in the high-quality 4K picture resolution.

These Ultra HD movies and TV shows are accessible through the Amazon Instant Video app on compatible Ultra HD smart TVs, including models from LG, Samsung and Sony, with more added next year.

The online retail giant did not say when Prime customers can expect to stream 4K content through mobile Instant Video apps.

Apple building massive R&D center in Japan

In addition to its existing research and development centers in Israel, Taiwan and Shanghai, Apple is now looking to build another facility in Japan, Reuters reported Tuesday. The “cutting-edge” R&D center was confirmed by Japan's Prime Minister Abe Shinzo.

The facility “will be formally announced soon,” he told local media, as confirmed by the Jiji and Kyodo News.

Big media wants to make Steve Jobs deposition video public

A videotaped deposition of Steve Jobs, recorded in 2011 shortly before his passing and played during the iPod class-action lawsuit, could be made public if news organizations such as The Associated Press, CNN and Bloomberg succeed in proving that releasing the two-hour video is in public interest, CNET reported Tuesday.

And boy would it be interesting to watch Jobs make a series of snarky comments. Asked whether he had heard of Real Networks, Apple's late co-founder asked “Do they still exist?” All told, he responded 74 times with “I don’t remember,” “I don’t know” or “I don’t recall.”

Let’s Talk iOS 059: Entering hypocrite territory

Episode 59: A talk about our experience using Firefox. The ethics of using a family member's cable login. A discussion of our favorite food apps. Why we've given up on using third-party keyboards. The rumored 4 inch iPhone. Fitting an iPhone 6 Plus in a jeans pocket. Reading iTunes reviews of the podcast. Three crazy-awesome jokes.

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How to change the iPhone 6 Reachability background color

ColorReachability is a recently released jailbreak tweak that allows iPhone 6 users to switch up the color of their Reachablity background. Reachability, as you've no doubt heard, allows users of large screen devices like the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus to shift down the iOS interface so that it can be efficiently used with one hand. If you find Reachability's look to be too boring and pedestrian, ColorReachability can go a long way towards changing that.

Apple Watch UI tweak ‘Aeternum’ receives a huge update

Aeternum, arguably the best Apple Watch UI jailbreak tweak available on Cydia, received a massive update today. The update brings lots of fixes and several notable new features to the table. If you purchased Aeternum the past, but felt it wasn't ready for prime time, you may want to check it out again now that it's received its notable update.

Switchability: an upcoming tweak that combines Reachability, the App Switcher, and Safari’s 3D tab view

A new upcoming jailbreak tweak promises to combine multiple iOS features into a cool new app switching interface called Switchability. The tweak, which is previewed inside on video, combines the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus' Reachability mode along with the App Switcher and Safari's 3D tab view. The result of such a combination may seem like it would be a mess, but after seeing it demonstrated in the preview video, I think it might just work.

Blizzard launches ‘Goblins vs Gnomes’ expansion for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Games maker Blizzard on Monday unleashed its long-expected ‘Goblins vs Gnomes’ expansion pack for the popular card trading RPG game, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.

In addition to as many as 120 new cards and a Spectator mode allowing third-parties to watch game matches, the expansion brings out a new Mech minion type, both neutral and class-specific and allows you to control these powerful Mechs with special weapons and volatile abilities.

Bose products could be back in Apple Stores next week

After removing all Bose products from both its online and physical retail stores mid-October, Apple could apparently put them back on the shelves next week. This information comes from reliable French site iGen, which cites trustworthy sources at Apple: "Bose products could make a come back in Apple Stores as soon as next week. A few stores have received Bose products to build inventory with directions to get ready for their return on shelves next week," wrote Nicolas Furno for iGen.

Facebook launches Graph Search on iPhone

Facebook on Monday confirmed that it's at last gearing up to launch Graph Search in its mobile application for the iPhone and iPad this week following what has turned to be an incredibly extensive period of testing.

Tapping Facebook's vast database, Graph Search uses natural language queries to surface content information from within a user's network of friends that would be impractical or impossible using the standard and fairly limited search feature.

Another way to describe Open Graph: this tremendously powerful tool makes it easy and fun to explore the world through the eyes of your friends.