Jailbreak Apps

Save battery life at night with AirplaneScheduler

Airplane mode is a setting in iOS that allows users to disable wireless radios while the mode is active. This includes all cellular reception, Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are initially disabled but can be re-enabled with Airplane mode still active). It's intended to put the device in a state where it is safe to use on a plane, but some users have taken to the feature as a power-saving mode.

AirplaneScheduler is a very comprehensive timer tweak that presets toggles for Airplane mode, allowing users to toggle Airplane mode on and off automatically on a recurring basis...

Use 3G Unrestrictor to enable streaming over cellular in Tweetbot

Tweetbot, my favorite Twitter client by a country mile, takes well advantage of Twitter's streaming API for instant timeline updates with no manual refresh. It works very well, but unfortunately Tweetbot requires you to be connected to Wi-Fi in order to use the feature. What to do now? Fake a Wi-Fi connection, of course!

3G Unrestrictor has many uses, and one such use is to enable Twitter streaming in Tweetbot over a cellular connection. Check out our brief video inside.

AirFloat turns any iOS device into an AirPlay receiver

Not sure what to do with your old iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch? Instead of throwing it out or selling it for a fraction of its original value, what if you could get some more use out of the device by turning it into an AirPlay streaming box?

AirFloat is an open source tweak that's been in development for a while, but hasn't been released on Cydia until now. (It was actually removed from the iTunes store last year.) With AirFloat, you don't need to buy an Apple TV or an AirPort Express to stream music through your house. All you need is Wi-Fi and a spare iOS device...

Increase video playback speed with FastForward

Ever wanted to speed up video playback on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch? While it's not a thought that occurred to me, Harrison Apps (the developer behind Universal Video Downloader) says that their new tweak is great for speeding up recorded University lectures.

The tweak is called FastForward, and it alters the speed of film clips that take advantage of iOS' native video APIs. With FastForward enabled, you should be able to give your long winded professors a bit of a boost...

FireCore updates aTV Flash (black) with support for Apple TV 5.2

Now that Apple TV 5.2 can be jailbroken via the new Seas0nPass, FireCore has updated its popular aTV Flash (black) software suite to support the new firmware. Apple released 5.2 at the end of last month alongside iOS 6.1.

The aTV Flash (black) update, which brings the app to version 2.2, is fairly minor. But it does include several bug fixes, improvements to DVD playback, and of course, support for the new Bluetooth keyboard feature in 5.2...

Seas0nPass jailbreak tool updated for Apple TV 5.2

Good news for all of you second generation Apple TV owners out there. FireCore has just announced that the latest firmware for the set-top box, Apple TV 5.2, is now jailbreakable thanks to an update to the Seas0nPass tool.

Apple released the new software at the end of last month alongside iOS 6.1 for its other devices. The update includes Bluetooth keyboard support, Up Next and now, thanks to the jailbreak, pretty much whatever you want...

AppCap tweak limits and blocks distracting apps

I'm not sure how I feel about digital commitment devices. On the one hand, I'd like to believe that if I really didn't want to open Facebook on my phone during work hours, I just wouldn't open it. On the other hand, I know from personal experience that it isn't always this easy.

AppCap is a tweak that allows you to set a limit on your usage on a distracting app, hopefully encouraging you to use it less...

Music Controls Pro 6.0+ discounted while developers bring features back to iOS 6.x

Since iOS 3.x, the most feature rich jailbreak apps for music was Music Controls Pro. If you wanted a custom control overlay for music, swipe controls, a remote server, and a host of other features, Music Controls Pro was the way to go. Unfortunately, the original version of Music Controls Pro is no longer compatible with iOS 6.

While the all new Music Controls Pro 6.0+ only has a fraction of the previous app's capabilities, the price is currently discounted to $3.99 while the developers bring the new app up to speed. Currently Music Controls Pro includes swipe controls, Notification Center plugins for playback and volume, task switcher controls, and status bar integration for song titles. These are the core features that kept the original Music Controls Pro on my iPad in iOS 5.1.1...

3 steps to protect your iOS 6 jailbreak

When you consider the amount of hard work that went into providing the public with an iOS 6 jailbreak, and how long it took for that solution to come to fruition, protecting the jailbreak is of paramount concern. Recently BigBoss added a section to each page of its highly visible repo addressing the concern, that's how important it is.

There are some basic fundamental steps that you should take for the sake of preserving your device's iOS 6 jailbreak. That's simply because, as you know, you never know how long it will take for the next jailbreak to come around. Once Apple inevitably addresses the exploits used in the evasi0n untethered jailbreak, chances are we'll have to wait deep into iOS 7's lifecycle before we get another jailbreak, if we do at all.

So again, it's of real concern for those of you who love your jailbroken device, to read the following 3 tips and strategies, and implement them.

Flex patch highlight: 5 essential enhancements to iOS

As we've mentioned in the past, Flex is basically a Game Genie for the iPhone. While Flex can't create new content, it can nullify lines of code, override return values, and mess with variable return values. These can be used to prevent jailbreak detection, enable hidden features, hide interface elements in apps, and even, as you may expect, cheat in games.

Flex is a very versatile tool with a near limitless number of potential uses, so today we're going to highlight 5 general purpose Flex patches for iOS...

New tweak allows all Notification Center notifications to be sent to Pebble watch

A new jailbreak tweak has recently surfaced that will be of surefire interest to Pebble watch owners. The tweak is called BTNotificationEnabler, and it's created by Conrad Kramer, the same developer behind tweaks such as Graviboard, Gesturizer, etc.

The description for BTNotificationEnabler promises that you'll never miss a notification again. That's thanks, largely in part to its ability to send all Notification Center notifications to a Bluetooth device. The Pebble watch, obviously, is one of the first things that comes to mind. A jailbroken iPhone running iOS 6, mated with a Pebble watch just got a whole lot more interesting.

Pull To Refresh Safari updated for iOS 6

If you are an avid user of Twitter or Facebook, you likely see 'pull to refresh' as an essential part of the smart phone experience. So it's surprising to see how slow Apple has been to bring the gesture to its internal apps. In iOS 6, Apple finally cued in and included their own implementation of Pull To Refresh in Mail. Unfortunately this hasn't carried over to every one of Apple's internet-enabled apps; Safari still lacks the feature.

Of course, jailbreakers have had access to Pull To Refresh Safari since iOS 4. Instead of pressing a tiny icon, we could just pull the screen down and refresh the active app. Now the tweak has been updated to work with iOS 6...