Apple Arcade

How to cancel Apple Arcade subscription on iPhone, Mac, and Apple TV

Apple Arcade, launched back in September 2019, is a subscription service that provides access to exclusive games on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. When it first launched, there weren't a lot of titles available on the service. Fast forward to 2021, and we now have access to more than 180 amazing games. Apple charges a flat subscription fee every month, which gives you access to all the exclusive titles.

How to get notified of new Apple Arcade games

Notify for New Apple Arcade Games on iPhone

Keeping up with new games can be tough no matter which device you use. But if you’re an Apple Arcade subscriber, you can receive notifications for new games when they become available.

This is a great way to know exactly when that awesome new game you’ve been waiting for hits the App Store for you to download. Here’s how to get notifications for new Apple Arcade games on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

How many subscription services do you pay for?

Is Apple a services company these days? It's certainly possible to make that argument. And being in the Apple ecosystem probably means you pay for at least a couple of different options offered by the company. But with so many other offerings out there, it can be a task simply choosing which ones to keep.