How to manage app folders on your iPhone and iPad

Folder on iPhone Home Screen

Folders on iPhone Home Screen allow you to organize apps. You can keep rarely used ones in them to declutter the Home Screen or use folders to hide apps you do not want anyone to notice easily. In this tutorial, we show you how to create and manage folders on your iPhone and iPad.

Falling snowflakes wallpapers to match iPhone 13 Pro colors

Happy new year! As we begin 2022, we look forward to incredible new Wallpapers of the Week, every single Sunday. My resolution to you is that we add another 250+ stunning wallpapers for your favorite Apple devices. We have a lot of ahead of us, but for the first post of the year, we pull from an iDB wallpaper fan favorite, @AR72014 who teamed up with @appledsign. The winter months are just coming to us, having only started a couple of weeks ago; these illustrated falling snowflake wallpapers perfectly match iPhone 13 colorways.

Jailbreak tweaks of the week: BetterCC, DarkPapers, & more…

2021 went off with a bang after Pwn20wnd updated the unc0ver jailbreak tool to support even more firmware versions on a greater subset of iPhones and iPads (specifically the A12 & A13 varieties, running iOS or iPadOS 14.6-14.8). Consequently, those new jailbreakers are playing catch-up and looking for ways to trick out their newly-pwned handset with jailbreak tweaks.