Unc0ver updated to v8.0.2 with exploit reliability enhancements for A12 & A13 devices on iOS 14.6-14.8

Just yesterday, unc0ver Team lead developer Pwn20wnd updated the unc0ver jailbreak tool to v8.0.0 with official support for A12 & A13-equipped iPhones and iPads running iOS or iPadOS 14.6-14.8. It was trailed by a quick update to v8.0.1 to address issues on A12 handsets running iOS or iPadOS 14.6, but it seems that yet another update was released this Thursday evening in the form of version 8.0.2.

How to fix globe icon with exclamation mark alert on Mac

Globe icon with alert mark Mac

Do you see a gray globe icon with an alert mark on your Mac's Recovery screen? And it comes back even after retrying Internet Recovery. I have faced this several times in the last few years. So let me tell you more about why you see the globe icon with an alert or exclamation symbol on Mac, my experience with this, and how to fix it successfully.

Unc0ver jailbreak updated to v8.0.1 to fix “unsupported” error for A12 handsets running iOS 14.6

Pwn20wnd surprised us all after launching unc0ver v8.0.0 Wednesday afternoon with support for A12 & A13-equipped devices running iOS & iPadOS 14.6-14.8. However, soon after trying the updated jailbreak for the first time, users of A12-equipped handsets on iOS or iPadOS 14.6 began reporting how their device registered as “unsupported” by the unc0ver jailbreak app.

How to fix AirPlay not working between iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Fix AirPlay not working on iPhone, iPad and Mac

One of the best new features of macOS Monterey is AirPlay to Mac. It lets you AirPlay directly from your iPhone, iPad, or other Mac to a Mac running macOS Monterey. Usually, the entire process is easy and happens without hiccups. But if you cannot AirPlay to Mac, your Mac doesn't show up as an AirPlay target, or if video, photos, audio, or screen do not project from iPhone to the Mac, here are the solutions to fix that.