How to publish Instagram Post, Story, or Reel for just one person

Learn how to share photos, videos, or text to your Instagram story, Reels, or post, but have it visible by just one specific person and not all your followers. Note that with a tiny tweak, these steps will also work if you want to share it with not just one but a handful of close friends.

Publish Instagram post for just one person

Make an Instagram post for just one person

It involves two easy steps, and we will take you through both.

Step 1: Add that one person to your close friend list

1) Open the Instagram app and tap your picture from the bottom right to go to your profile page.

2) Tap the three-line hamburger menu icon from the top right and choose Close Friends.

Tap menu icon on your Instagram profile page and select Close Friends

3) Select that one person’s account under the Suggested heading or enter their username or name in the Search bar and tap their account.

4) Now, tap Done. But before you do that, make sure other people are not added to your Close Friends list. If there are others, uncheck the circles next to their names to remove them all except that one special person. When you have just one person, it says On your list (1). Alternatively, if you want to share with more than one friend, add them to your Close Friends list.

Add one person to your Instagram Close Friends list

Step 2: Publish the Story, Reel, or Post with your close friend

Now that your close friend list is built with just that one person, the next step is to put your Instagram post and set its visibility to close friends.

1) Tap the plus button (+) in the Instagram app and choose what you want to publish: A Post, Story, or Reel.

2) Go through the regular initial steps to make a post, Story, or Reel.

Make an Instagram post Story or Reel

3) Once you reach the final sharing screen, select Close Friends as your audience:

  • For Post, you will have to tap Audience and select Close Friends (1 Person). Then, tap Done > Share.
Share new Instagram post with just close friend list of one person
  • For Story, tap Close Friends once you’re ready to publish.
Sharing your Instagram Story with just Close Friends
  • And for Reel, the process is similar to a regular post. Tap Audience and pick Close Friends (1 Person) before sharing.
Share Instagram Reel with close friend list having just one person

Once the post is published, you just have to wait and hope that the special person you’re trying to share your message with actually sees it.

If they don’t and your Story is auto-deleted after 24 hours, you can repost it. But note that you won’t have to go through the steps to create your close friends list again, as that was already made the first time you did this.

They will partially know what you are up to

When the person for whom you have published the Instagram Story, Reel, or Post views it, they will also see a green star or the ‘Close Friends’ label in one corner of that media. This conveys to them that this post is not for everyone but just your close friends, and they are on this list.

Close Friends icon and label on Instagram story and Reel

However, they cannot see who else is in your close friend list. So, they will never know if this post was just for them or a few others as well. But if the message is very personal, I guess they can figure out your intentions.

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