20+ useful keyboard shortcuts for the Podcasts app on Mac

Take control of the Podcasts app on your Mac by learning about these handy keyboard shortcuts that make it easy to browse, search, and listen to your favorite shows.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Podcasts app on Mac

Just like keyboard shortcuts for your other apps on Mac, those for Podcasts can be just as useful. They let you control the Podcasts app window along with playback of your episodes. If you want a handy way to zip around Podcasts on your Mac, here’s a list of helpful keyboard shortcuts.

The Podcasts app window

Take control of the Podcasts app window with these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Open Podcasts Settings or Preferences: Command + , (comma)
  • Hide all other windows: Option + Command + H
  • Hide the Podcasts window: Command + H
  • Minimize Podcasts: Command + M
  • Enter or exit full-screen: Command + Control + F or Fn + F
  • Close Podcasts: Command + W
  • Quit Podcasts: Command + Q

Shortcuts for podcasts

Use these keyboard shortcuts for searching, browsing, or selecting podcasts:

  • Search your Podcasts library: Command + F
  • Refresh the RSS feed: Command + R
  • Scroll up and down a list of episodes: Up Arrow and Down Arrow
  • Select episodes in a list: Shift + Up Arrow and Shift + Down Arrow
  • Remove, save, and other actions for a selected episode: Control + Click
  • Create a new station: Command + N

Shortcuts for playback

These shortcuts help you navigate your playback options while listening:

  • Increase the volume: Command + Up Arrow
  • Decrease the volume: Command + Down Arrow
  • Play or pause the selected episode: Space Bar
  • Next: Command + Right arrow
  • Previous: Command + Left arrow
  • Skip forward 30 seconds within an episode: Shift + Command + Right Arrow
  • Go back 15 seconds within an episode: Shift + Command + Left Arrow
  • Go to the show’s page: Command + L
  • Set playback speed: 0.75x: Option + 0 (zero) | 1x: Option + 1 | 1.25x: Option + 2 | 1.5x: Option + 3 | 1.75x: Option + 4 | 2x: Option + 5

Using keyboard shortcuts for Podcasts on Mac is an easy way to control the window and podcasts you listen to with a click.

Is there a particular app on Mac that you always use keyboard shortcuts for? Let us know what it is!

For more, check out the iDB keyboard shortcuts section as well as our Let’s Talk iOS podcast.

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