YouTube Music

How to cancel YouTube Premium from your iPhone

An iPhone showing the manage screen for YouTube Premium membership

YouTube Premium offers ad-free videos, offline downloads in YouTube Music, new experimental features like Picture-in-Picture, unlocks exclusive videos, and more. However, if you no longer wish to continue your YouTube Premium membership, here’s how to cancel it using your iPhone or iPad.

YTMusicVolume adds the missing volume slider YouTube Music’s Now Playing interface

While Apple Music and Spotify are some of the go-to choices for online music streaming, another major contender in this space is YouTube Music, which provides a seemingly endless library of music sourced directly from YouTube.

After signing up for YouTube Premium, one of the first things I did was download the YouTube Music app so that I could enjoy ad-free music streaming without paying an additional fee for a music streaming service. But I noticed something was missing from the app’s Now Playing interface – namely, a volume slider.

New ‘rasperry’ tweak keeps YouTube playing in the background when you close the app

YouTube’s background media playback is a feature in both the YouTube and YouTube Music apps is typically reserved for Premium users who pay a monthly subscription fee. This same subscription also unlocks other creature comforts including ad-free playback.

Fortunately for jailbreakers, background playback and an ad-free listening experience don’t necessarily require an active subscription, as jailbreak tweaks made specifically for the YouTube and YouTube Music apps can lift the frustrating subscription requirement.

How to change the default music service on HomePod

Image composition showing YouTube Music, Pandora, Tidal and Deezer as preferred music app for HomePod

No longer want Apple Music as the default music service on your HomePod? In this tutorial, we will explain how to set YouTube Music, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, and other supported apps as the default platform to play songs and playlists when you give a voice command to your HomePod. We'll also show you how to ask HomePod to play songs directly from Spotify!