Touch ID

Nowability adds music controls and recent notifications to Reachability

Those of you who use the Reachability interface at all know that it can come in handy during times when you want better one-handed access to the features at the top of your 4.7-inch or 5.5-inch display.

On the other hand, it leaves a big void at the top of the screen that could be utilized to display additional information about your device, and that's just what a new jailbreak tweak called Nowability aims to accomplish.

Photego: secure the stock Photos app with Touch ID

There are tweaks that exist on Cydia that allow you to secure an entire app, but to my knowledge, no tweak yet exists that allows you to secure specific aspects of the stock Photos app with Touch ID. That's where Photego comes in, a new jailbreak tweak that allows you to prevent users from deleting photos, accessing albums, and more via Touch ID.

LockGlyph: unlock Touch ID enabled devices using the Apple Pay animation

LockGlyph is a brand new tweak available on the Cydia store that brings the Apple Pay confirmation animation to the Lock screen. If you own a Touch ID enabled device like the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, or iPhone 6 Plus, you can unlock your device using fingerprint authentication, and enjoy a nice Apple Pay-inspired animation and sound during the process.

I've taken a spin with LockGlyph on video. Check inside to see some of the tweak's pluses and minuses.

The best jailbreak tweaks for Touch ID

Touch ID has been at the forefront of jailbreak development since it arrived, and for good reason: it's the flagship feature on Apple's iPhone 5s. As a result, there are many jailbreak tweaks that seek to alter the way that Touch ID works. Some tweaks allows you to secure individual apps with Touch ID, while others allow you to authenticate logins to websites and apps using only your fingerprints.

We've taken the liberty to compile a list of the best jailbreak tweaks for Touch ID to hit Cydia, and we break them down for you in a brand new video walkthrough.

Asphaleia now available on Cydia

Asphaleia—the stylish new Touch ID-based jailbreak tweak that we showed you last Friday—is now available for download on Cydia. The tweak, which is a3tweaks' response to other releases like BioProtect, BioLockdown, and AppLocker, puts an intelligently designed spin on Touch ID security.

Asphaleia works with any iOS 7 capable device, though, not just the Touch ID enabled iPhone 5s. It's a tweak that brings tons of new security features to both the iPhone 5s, and other iOS 7 enabled devices. Best of all, Asphaleia comes with a 50% discount if you've purchased any of the aforementioned security tweaks in the past. Check after the break for our full video walkthrough of Asphaleia in action.

Asphaleia: a stylish new Touch ID jailbreak tweak

There's no shortage of Touch ID enabled security tweaks for iOS 7. There's AppLocker, BioProtect, and my favorite, BioLockdown from Ryan Petrich. So the question is, do we need another entry into what has become an increasingly crowded market? If the team behind the release is a3tweaks, then the answer to that question is an emphatic yes.

Unlike the majority of the other releases in the a3tweaks' repertoire, Asphaleia is extremely deep with tons of options. Sentry, the tweak's designer, isn't known for throwing a bunch of unnecessary features into his work with no purpose in mind. Instead, he reasoned that a security tweak like this made it necessary to have enough options to a). keep it secure, and b). give users the options that they need. It's a strategy that, for the most part at least, has paid off reasonably well.

If you're looking for an alternative to any of the aforementioned security tweaks—AppLocker, BioProtect, or BioLockdown—then Asphaleia is a release you should definitely check for upon its impending launch. Have a look at our full 10+ minute video walkthrough, as we break down all that the highly anticipated release has to offer.

Mesalation: set a passcode grace period with Touch ID enabled

Mesalation is brand new jailbreak tweak from developer r_plus that allows you to get back the passcode grace period list when using Touch ID. Enabling Touch ID on the iPhone 5s forces iOS to require a passcode immediately and there are no options otherwise.

If you're someone who likes to use Touch ID, but don't necessarily like the idea of having to verify every time your device is locked, Mesalation is the jailbreak tweak for you. Have a look at our walkthrough inside for more details on how the tweak works.

PassTime lets you customize the passcode requirement duration (and it’s really awesome)

If you've been listening to either Let's Talk Jailbreak or Let's Talk iOS, you've probably heard Cody and I rant about the fact that you can't use Touch ID for iTunes purchases without either using Touch ID or a passcode to unlock your device.

Since I first got my iPhone 5s, this has been a big annoyance. I do like the simplicity and security that Touch ID brings to my purchases on iTunes or in the App Store, but I do not want to use Touch ID or even a passcode to unlock my device. As it turns out, Apple won't let you do one without the other.

Enters PassTime, a new jailbreak tweak by Julian Weiss that lets you set custom passcode or Touch ID unlock requirement durations, effectively solving my biggest Touch ID pet peeve...

UnlockID is a jailbreak tweak that can unlock your Mac with Touch ID

UnlockID is a super-cool new jailbreak tweak that does exactly what the headline says—it allows you to unlock your Mac using the Touch ID sensor found on the iPhone 5s. Using Bluetooth Low Energy, the tweak features a Mac component that allows your iPhone 5s to communicate with your OS X installation.

Although the tweak's practicality may be up for debate, there's no debating the fact that this is one of the most innovate and coolest looking Touch ID tweaks we've seen thus far. We've taken UnlockID for a thorough walkthrough. Check out our hands-on video after the break.

Upcoming tweak lets you unlock your Mac using Touch ID

We've seen our fair share of Touch ID-related tweaks since the release of the evasi0n7 jailbreak a few weeks ago, and we keep being amazed at some of the ideas developers come up with.

French developer Eric Castro came up with yet another brilliant idea to take advantage of Touch ID, but this time, the tweak is not used to directly interact with your iPhone, but rather with your Mac...

iTouchSecure: an amazing Touch ID security app for autofilling passwords

After a few days of intense testing, I can now recommend iTouchSecure for iOS. iTouchSecure is a recently released jailbreak tweak that allows you to autofill every password in any app using Touch ID. It's what we all imagined Touch ID evolving into after Apple had some time to perfect the technology. But you don't have to wait for the evolution. All you need is a jailbroken iPhone 5s and 5 bucks.

iTouchSecure is one of those jailbreak tweaks that convinces people on the fence that they need to jailbreak. It can speed up your workflow when using apps that require you to enter a password, and it's about as secure as one could hope a tweak like this to be.

The iPhone 5s' Touch ID sensor is pretty remarkable in itself, but when combined with a tweak like iTouchSecure, it goes from remarkable to downright amazing. We've got a full video walkthrough showcasing iTouchSecure's features inside. Have a look and see why this must have jailbreak tweak should be installed on your iPhone 5s.