
How to report accidents and more in Apple Maps

Roadwork Marker in Apple Maps iPhone

Apple's iOS 14.5 update was a big one, and included several new features along with security and performance improvements. The update also added a very useful feature to Apple Maps that allows users to report incidents. You can use Apple Maps to report an accident, a hazard, and speed checks if you come across one on your route. If several people report the same incident, then Apple will alert other drivers who are using Apple Maps in this area.

How to control your old garage door with Siri and HomeKit

HomeKit garage door

You don't need to spend big money on a brand new garage door opener in order to be able to control it with HomeKit and/or Siri. Indeed, you can simply use an add-on accessory that will bring HomeKit support to virtually any garage door opener, letting you control it using Siri or the Home app on your iPad, iPhone, or Apple Watch.

I personally upgraded my garage door opener with such an accessory a few weeks ago, and in about 30 minutes, I was all set. Now this is not a hack. This is not a workaround. This is real HomeKit support, and all it requires is the meross Smart Garage Door Opener Remote, a $49 accessory you can find on Amazon.

How to set your preferred Siri voice in iOS 14.5

A featured image showing a Siri orb set against a dark gradient background

For the sake of inclusion and diversity, Apple's Siri virtual assistant no longer defaults to a female voice in the United States. Instead, you can now set your preferred Siri voice as part of the setup process (or after the fact, like before). In addition, you can switch to one of the two new Siri voices available with iOS 14.5 and iPadOS 14.5. Follow along with our tutorial to learn how to change Siri's default voice on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and HomePod.