Apple Wallpapers

Apple wallpapers typically feature sleek designs showcasing the company’s iconic logo, product images, and vibrant colors. From original creations by digital artists to exclusive backgrounds used in Apple’s product announcements, these wallpapers are perfect for any Apple fan looking to add a touch of style to their device.

New Apple Stores at The Grove and Rosenthaler Straße wallpapers

Apple recently reopened a retail store with incredible offerings and stories. The Grove store in Los Angeles is twice the size of the original building that was redesigned for this grand re-opening. Additionally, Apple announced a new location in Berlin, on Rosenthaler Straße, at city center. These iPhone wallpapers are from the Apple imagery of each location.

Download the official 2021 MacBook Pro wallpapers here

Apple announced brand new MacBook Pro devices! Incredible power houses in all new chases are going to be the hot ticket item for anyone looking to upgrade their machine. We also have a reunion with popular I/O like a card reader, HDMI, and even a magnetic charging port. Of course, no new Apple hardware looks completely fresh without incredibly jaw dropping wallpapers. Download the official MacBook Pro wallpapers for your current machines.

New iPad mini wallpapers for iPhone

Of the devices Apple announced in September 2021, the all 6th-generation iPad mini is getting a lot of attention. The fun sized device now includes an edge to edge screen and a Touch ID power button like its larger predecessor the iPad Air. Adding to the playfulness, Apple added more color ways and included iPad mini wallpapers that match each hardware version.

Download the official iPad mini 6 wallpapers

Apple's marketing image showing iPad mini, model year 2021, hey in a male's hand

Apple released iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 to the public on September 20, 2021. Deep inside the file structure of the IPSW file, one can locate the official iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPad mini 6 wallpapers. You can head there, or simply check out the official Apple wallpaper files right here in a special edition of Wallpapers of the Week.

Download the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro wallpapers

On September 14, 2021, Tim Cook and company announced the newest flagship iPhone devices. Each new device is advertised with a great image, but it is never released. Thankfully, with the help of the iDownloadBlog Wallpapers of the Week community, we have the official iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro wallpapers for iOS 15, extracted from the final release candidate.

Apple “California Streaming” event wallpapers

California streaming wallpaper for iPhone

On Tuesday, September 7, 2021, Apple sent invitations to their event that is expected to unveil the iPhone 13, Apple Watch Series 7, and AirPods generation 3. While products are predicted to be in short supply due to the pandemic’s effect on the supply chain, specifically for computer chips, Apple is anticipated to hold true to a September timeline.

With the announcement comes fun new graphics and the wallpaper community stepped up for these iPhone, iPad, or desktop backgrounds.

macOS Safari wallpapers optimized for iPhone, iPad, desktop

One of the most popular collections on our curated iDownloadBlog Wallpapers of the Week gallery is the official Apple section. Today, we add another set of images to that collection with these macOS Safari wallpaper downloads. A colorful blend of abstract geometry and subtle gradients the official Apple Safari wallpapers are now downloadable to your favorite devices.

Apple Tower Theatre wallpapers inspired by the newest retail store

On June 27, Tim Cook and senior vice president of retail + people Deirdre O'Brien opened the newest Apple store, Apple Tower Theatre. Restoring an historic Los Angeles 1927 theater, the location is completely renovated. The location is now a place for gathering as well as purchasing Apple's latest gadgets. Among the location launch, specific Apple logos were displayed and we have Apple Tower Theatre wallpaper inspired by these images.

macOS Monterey wallpaper variations in light and dark mode

Last week during WWDC21, Apple announced updates to all hardware system software, with macOS Monterey getting some solid screen time. New features are there, but no major updates year over year, which begs the question, why did the name move from macOS 11 to macOS 12, when it took more than a decade to justify the name change from OS X to macOS 11. I digress.

One thing the iDB Wallpapers of the Week fans were excited to get was a brand spanking new official Apple wallpaper. Today, we have creative macOS Monterey wallpaper variants for all devices.

iOS 15 official wallpapers

Apple announced the upcoming iPhone iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 at WWDC on June 7, 2021. New features like enhanced Memoji customization, Focus options to maintain center, and advancements in Notification management will be making their way to your device this fall. However, there is one important thing you will not be waiting to receive: that brand new iOS 15 wallpaper for iPhone and iPad.