App Store

How to cancel in-progress app updates on your iPhone or iPad

App updates on iPhone

Have you ever been in the middle of an app update and immediately had regrets about initiating the update? This could be for a variety of reasons; perhaps an update removes a well-liked feature, or it breaks part of the app in question.

Whatever your reason may be, we will show you how to cancel an app update on iPhone or iPad. Once that's done, you can stay on the currently installed version of that app.

How to download apps on iPhone and iPad

Three iPhone mockups showing the App Store, a Home Screen full of apps, and the App Library

Did you get your first iPhone or iPad and are wondering how to download essential apps such as YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Uber, Gmail, Amazon, Google Maps, Spotify, Bible, Bank of America, etc.?

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will guide you through the process of downloading your first apps from the App Store. We will also share some important information related to installing iOS apps.

Apple settles with FlickType developer over App Store rejections and more

Not too long ago, Apple introduced a built-in keyboard for the Apple Watch. It's a handy feature that can help you get out what you're trying to say in a pinch -- especially if you can't get to your phone. But, as is pretty typical, Apple's option wasn't the only keyboard available for the Apple Watch. There used to be the app FlickType, developed by Kosta Eleftheriou.

U.S. Department of Justice reportedly in early stages of drafting an antitrust suit against Apple

Apple's marketing image showing a 3D icon for the App Store set against a blue gradient background

Apple has been facing more and more pushback over its corporate practices over the last few years now. That includes things like the App Store's associated fees, support for third-party payment options within Apple's digital storefront, and more. Most of that pressure has been coming from international government bodies, like South Korea, but Apple may see similar actions in the United States soon, too.

How to fix “Cannot Connect to App Store” on iPhone and iPad

Fix App Store problems on iPhone

The App Store is the only source to download apps for iPhone and iPad users. However, in rare cases, the iOS App Store may not work and display a message that says, "Cannot Connect to App Store." As a result, downloading, re-downloading, or updating apps might fail.

If you find yourself in a situation where you can't browse, download, or update iPhone apps, here are some possible solutions to fix these issues.

Apple is expanding ads in the App Store

Apple's marketing image showing a 3D icon for the App Store set against a blue gradient background

Apple isn't completely against advertisements. In fact, it's technically in the ad business thanks to ads it displays in the App Store. And while up until now the ads in Apple's digital storefront have been relegated to two specific areas, that is going to be expanding.