
‘Volume Mixer 2’ lets you configure all volume settings in one interface

Your iOS device has multiple volume settings, and each one controls something different.

For example, you have your media volume, which affects your song and video sound output, and you have your ringer volume, which affects your ringtones, text tones, and notification sounds. But there are also other volume settings that you can set where applicable.

Volume Mixer 2 is a jailbreak tweak that provides you with an interface where you can conveniently adjust all of those volume levels at one time, and in this review, we'll talk about how it works.

EarthView Walls grabs random wallpapers from Google Earth for your jailbroken iPhone

Choosing a wallpaper can be tough, that's why every week we show you a featured wallpaper post in order to help you stay relevant and refreshed.

But if you want more, you might be interested in a new free jailbreak tweak called EarthView Walls, which will grab random wallpapers from Google's Earth view and set them as your device's wallpaper.

We'll walk you through how the tweak works in this review and talk a little about why it could be an optimal solution for you.

FastShare: use Activator to quickly share content to Facebook, Twitter, and Messages from anywhere

FastShare is a new jailbreak tweak available in Cydia's BigBoss repository for $1.49 that lets you harness the power of Activator to allow you to more easily share information with your friends, family, and followers.

The tweak comes with a unique interface for sharing information across your favorite social mediums, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Messages, and it includes options that you can configure to your liking so the tweak looks and behaves how you want it to.

Postman: manually check for new emails from anywhere [jailbreak]

Normally, when you want to check to see if you have any new emails, you have to launch the Mail app and pull down to refresh the email inbox of your choice.

If you're already in the middle of something, stopping what you're doing to check to see if you have any emails is obtrusive. It would be so much better if you could just refresh your email from anywhere without leaving what you are currently doing in another app.

That's exactly what a new free jailbreak tweak called Postman is going to allow you to do, and it works with a key ingredient that most jailbreakers are already familiar with.

EasyClear: the only 3D Touch notification clearing tweak you’ll ever need

Those rocking a jailbreak that have been looking for the perfect all-in-one 3D Touch notification-clearing tweak for their iOS device(s) need not look any further than a new jailbreak tweak release called EasyClear, which is now available in Cydia's BigBoss repository for $1.49.

This tweak makes use of the 3D Touch display on the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus to let you dismiss notifications universally throughout iOS. Whether it be a badge on an app icon from the Home screen, or one or more notifications from Notification Center.

AppSort: quickly sort your Home screen apps based on various criteria

If you've got a lot of apps on your Home screen and hate looking through them all, then check out a new free jailbreak tweak called AppSort, which just hit Cydia, and will let you sort your Home screen app icons with ease.

AppSort is a jailbreak tweak that offers users a quicker way to sort the apps on your Home screen so you don't have to spend any of your time sorting them for yourself. The tweak lets you use Activator to reveal a menu full of options; the options allow you you to choose a criteria for how your apps will be sorted on the Home screen.

Activator 1.9.8 released to public with Apple Watch-oriented features, delays between actions, and much more

Ryan Petrich has released his massive update to Activator, an update that has been months in the making, to the public. After several beta tests, Activator 1.9.8 is now ready to go, and it brings features like Apple Watch support, event search, pauses between actions, and much more.

If you wish to try out this latest version of Activator, then you can get it free of charge on Cydia's BigBoss repo. Check out the remainder of this post for the incredibly long changelog.

New Activator beta adds two Apple Watch-centric features

If you own an Apple Watch, you can now use it in conjunction with Activator on your jailbroken iPhone. Activator 1.9.8 beta 9, which was released yesterday, adds several new interesting features to the already massive list of things this tweak can do.

In addition to the Apple Watch support, the beta adds support for more system ringtones, features a reduced package size, and incorporates several fixes to make the tweak run more efficiently. Check out the full change log for more details.

Activator beta update adds sequence and action delay support

Ryan Petrich has pushed out another update to the Activator beta. This latest release, which brings Activator up to version 1.9.8 beta 3, includes some interesting new features that will make fans of Activator happy.

First and foremost, the new Activator beta now allows users to specify the sequence of actions, and even establish delays in between each action. That means that, for example, you could set up an action sequence to Lock the screen after a specific amount of time elapsed. You can also schedule delays to occur between multiple actions.

There are other new features included with Activator 1.9.8 beta 3 as well, such as new Answer Call and Disconnect Call actions. Have a look at the full change log for all the deets.