PlayStation 5 jailbroken via Cryptogenic exploit

Jailbreaking isn’t just for iPhones. In fact, just about any device that runs firmware has the capacity to be hacked so that the end user can run mods not initially intended by the manufacturer of said device. Sony fans found that out Monday after an apparent jailbreak surfaced for the PlayStation 5 – Sony’s latest game console as of 2022.

‘Developer only’ checkm8-based palera1n jailbreak for iOS 15.x adds tweak injection & Sileo support

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Many prospective jailbreakers have kept their devices at iOS or iPadOS 15.x despite having the option upgrade to the newer and more enticing iOS 16 software update. The wait is testing a lot of holdouts’ patience, but with so many people working on some form of iOS or iPadOS 15.x jailbreak, something’s bound to materialize one way or another.

How to show weather conditions and forecast on your iPhone Lock Screen

Three iPhone mockups showing weather conditions on the iPhone Lock Screen via weather widgets and smart weather wallpaper

You can see weather conditions, temperature, wind speed, air quality, moon phase, sunrise & sunset times, UV index, rain, snow, sleet, or hail forecast for your location on your iPhone Lock Screen. Having the weather report on the Lock Screen ensures you're constantly updated regarding changing conditions.

In this tutorial, we will show you the simple steps to add the weather forecast to your iPhone or iPad Lock Screen using widgets and a smart wallpaper.

How to find an iPhone’s ECID

Depending on what you’re doing with your iPhone or iPad, a time may come when you need to find your device’s Exclusive Chip Identifier, otherwise more recognizably abbreviated as the ECID.

Download these internals and X-ray iPhone 14 wallpapers

Now several weeks in the wild, reviewers spent hours creating their YouTube reviews, early adopters complained about buggy operation, and iFixit deconstructed the latest Apple handset.

The productive team at iFixit always tediously takes apart the newest Apple gadgets to give everyone a screw-by-screw understanding of how the hardware comes together and whether they feel like it is a repairable design. In doing so, they made these incredible iPhone 14 teardown wallpapers.