How to use Multi-Capture to instantly add photos to your Instagram story

New features come and go with apps. And if you’re an Instagram user, you may notice a feature you haven’t used before when creating a story. This feature is called Multi-Capture and it allows you to snap a few photos to add to your story.

Multi-Capture gives you a quick and easy way to create a story on the fly. Shoot photos of yourself or someone else and turn them into an Instagram story instantly, here’s how.

Use Multi-Capture for a story on Instagram

Open the Instagram app on your iPhone and get ready to use this cool feature.

1) Tap the plus sign at the bottom and swipe to the right to select Story.

2) On the side of the story screen, tap Multi-Capture. If you only see icons and aren’t sure which one this is, tap the arrow at the bottom of the list to expand it. You’ll then see icons with labels.

3) Use the shutter button to capture individual shots for your story. As you snap each photo, you’ll see the dial at the bottom fill up. You can take up to 10 pictures.

4) When you finish, tap Next at the bottom beside the captures.

Start Multi-Capture on Instagram

You can then share your story as you normally would. Your story will play through each photo you snapped. You can see a separated line at the top of the story indicating how many photos there are and how long each stays on the screen.

View Number of Photos for Multi-Capture in Instagram


Exit Multi-Capture in progress

If you want to stop in the middle of the process, or after snapping the first photo, you can either tap the Multi-Capture icon or the X on the top right of the story screen. You’ll then be asked if you’d like to Delete All and Exit or Cancel to continue or save your photos first.

Exit Multi-Capture on Instagram

Wrapping it up

The Multi-Capture feature on Instagram gives you a great way to create a story quickly. Whether you’re snapping photos of your pet, child, food, or surroundings, you can freeze each moment in its own photo, but still create a memorable story.

Are you going to try the Multi-Capture option for your next Instagram story? Let us know!

For more, learn how to add music to an Instagram story or find out who has looked at your stories.