Touch ID

IntelligentPass 3 disables passcodes and authentication in ‘low risk’ environments

IntelligentPass passcode UI.

Most people turn to passcodes or biometric authentication to keep the data on their iPhones and iPads safe from unwanted prying eyes. But as many would agree, there can be certain times when such security measures may be unnecessary or workflow inhibiting, such as when your handset is safe in your home or when you’re physically holding it.

IntelligentPass 3 is a commendable jailbreak tweak by iOS developers Luke Murris and Geometric Software that prevents your pwned iOS device from asking you to enter a passcode or authenticate yourself in ‘low risk’ environments. The tweak identifies said environments based on criteria that you, the user, configure.

InstallProtect12 makes you authenticate yourself to install or uninstall jailbreak packages

InstallProtect12 is a newly released and free jailbreak tweak created by iOS developer Castyte, and we’re particularly excited to show it to you.

While most jailbreak tweaks are somewhat subjective depending on the user, this one seems like a no-brainer for most as it seriously augments the jailbroken handset experience on all fronts. More specifically, it necessitates biometric authentication to manage packages in three of the most popular package management apps, including Cydia, Sileo, and Zebra.

SiriUnlock lets you access more data with Siri without unlocking your handset

Siri can make interacting with your iOS handset easier, and more specifically, the ‘Hey Siri’ feature comes in handy when you have dirty hands and you don’t want to touch your device. But when your handset is locked, Apple prevents Siri from accessing certain things to protect your privacy from those who may try to exploit her handiness to reveal personal information about you.

While we can understand Apple’s reasoning for doing this, we also understand that some iOS device power users care more about functionality than privacy, and so it would’ve been nice if Apple offered more flexibility in this department. Fortunately, a newly released and free jailbreak tweak called SiriUnlock by iOS developer CokePokes makes this happen.