Ian Beer

Unc0ver V1.0.1 released to address an issue with the integrated RootFS Restore feature

It was only yesterday that Pwn20wnd’s unc0ver jailbreak for iOS 11.0-11.4 beta 3 was officially brought out of its beta stages, but the tool has since received its first update following the release of V1.

Sunday’s update, dubbed unc0ver V1.0.1, aims to prevent known problems with the RootFS Restore feature on iOS 11.0-11.1.2 handsets. As it would seem, it was implemented in an unsafe manner that compelled some users to restore via iTunes and lose their jailbreak.

As promised, Ian Beer publicizes iOS 11.4-11.4.1-centric exploits

Matrix code hacked iPhone.

About a month ago, renowned security researcher Ian Beer announced plans to publicly release iOS 11.4-11.4.1-centric exploits as hacking focus shifted over to Apple’s newer iOS 12 release. It’s been near-radio silence since then, but as of today, those exploits are officially public.

As it would seem, Beer’s latest batch of iOS security exploits encompass the following:

Ian Beer to release exploits for iOS 11.4.1 as hacking focus shifts to iOS 12

Matrix code hacked iPhone.

Security researcher Ian Beer has become somewhat of a legend in the jailbreak community recently. Albeit not directly related to the development of recent iOS 11 jailbreak tools like Electra, his mighty iOS exploits helped make them possible.

Despite all the contributions Beer has made thus far, he doesn’t appear to be slowing down one bit. Beer announced Wednesday morning via Twitter that he’d be releasing some new iOS 11.4.1-centric exploits.

Electra1131 receives minor updates with bug fixes and improvements

The Electra Team’s new jailbreak tool for iOS 11.2-11.3.1 devices received a couple of minor updates over the weekend to address a few issues that were present in the initial release.

Full details concerning the most recent updates to Electra1131 are listed on the tool’s official web page, and will also be outlined for your convenience below:

How to jailbreak iOS 11.0-11.4.1 with Electra

The Electra Team delivered on their promise to release an iOS 11.2-11.3.1 jailbreak, and you can now download Electra1131 from the team’s official website to pwn your device.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to jailbreak iOS 11.2-11.4.1 using Electra. When you’re ready to move forward with the jailbreak process, simply follow these steps:

Electra1131 released for jailbreaking iOS 11.2-11.3.1

Electra Team member Pwn20wnd announced via Twitter on Friday that the team’s iOS 11.2-11.3.1 jailbreak tool would be coming “really soon,” and soon after, the official Electra web page received a notable revamp with download links.

As we can see, there are two versions of the Electra1131 jailbreak tool: 1) a developer version that uses a multipath tcp exploit and requires a developer account to be used, and 2) a regular version that uses a vcf exploit and doesn’t require a developer account.

Electra Team: iOS 11.2-11.3.1 jailbreak tool “will be dropping within a few days”

Good news on Wednesday for those who’ve been eagerly awaiting a jailbreak for iOS 11.3.1: the Electra Team announced that their upcoming jailbreak tool would be released in coming days.

As it would seem, the Electra Team will use an in-house APFS bypass to solve the remount issue that was delaying the tool’s release. Now all that appears to be left is a bit of packaging and polishing before Electra 11.3.1 becomes readily available to the public.

Cydia demoed on iOS 11.3.1 as Electra Team offers insight into the tool’s progress

As we inch closer to the imminent release of an Electra jailbreak tool with support for iOS 11.2-11.3.1, we’re beginning to see exciting tidbits and teasers from the developers of the Electra Team that are actively working on it.

Among those was a Tweet shared by @nullriver, which incorporates numerous screenshots depicting the iconic Cydia app running on iOS 11.3.1: