Apple Pencil 2

The best Apple Pencil alternatives on a budget

Apple Pencil alternatives featured image

No stylus can exactly replicate the magic of an Apple Pencil with your iPad. But the good news is, there are many that come quite close, and at a fraction of the price. If you're a designer or artist, chances are you can't do without your Apple Pencil. But for other tasks like notetaking, casual doodling, or browsing, an affordable Apple Pencil alternative is more than enough.

Check out the list below for our selection of the best Apple Pencil alternatives that come as close as possible to the real thing while perfectly fitting any budget.

When and how to replace your Apple Pencil tip

Scribble Apple Pencil iPad Delete Text

If you own your first Apple Pencil and wonder when you should replace the tip or how to do it, iDB is here to help. We’ll give you some recommendations on when you should replace the Apple Pencil (1st and 2nd generation) tip, along with simple instructions for doing so.