
Procursus and Sileo are coming to the Mac

Most people who hear the word Sileo immediately think of the default package manager used by the Chimera and Odyssey jailbreaks for iPhone and iPad. But what if it could also run on a Mac?

The idea of having a package manager such as Sileo available on the Mac isn’t new, and Odyssey Team co-developer Hayden Seay (A.K.A. Diatrus) says it will be coming to fruition very soon.

With the cicuta_verosa exploit now out for iOS 14.3 and lower, what happens next?

Jailbreak loyalists have unquestionably heard about the brand new cicuta_verosa kernel exploit for all devices capable of running iOS & iPadOS 14.3 and below, and for what it’s worth, this is excellent news for the jailbreak community.

Given that most recent jailbreak developments have been either for that of iOS 12 or iOS & iPadOS 13-centric jailbreaks such as Chimera and Odyssey, or for the hardware-limited checkra1n jailbreak that only supports A7-A11 devices up to iOS & iPadOS 14, the announcement of this exploit’s release harbored much-needed positivity in the midst of what could only be described as a lengthy lull for jailbreak hobbyists.

ReProvision developer reaffirms tool’s end of life, recommends AltStore instead

Many jailbreakers were taken by surprise this past week when apps installed by AltStore post-January 28th suddenly began crashing upon launch. AltStore’s development team quickly recognized the issue responsible the crashes, citing server-side issues on Apple’s end, and then released an update in the form of version 1.4.3 this afternoon to resolve it.

While AltStore certainly is popular among jailbreakers for its ease of side-loading jailbreak apps like Chimera, Odyssey, and unc0ver and keeping them signed via AltDaemon, another popular option for achieving the same means was ReProvision, which was also unfortunately impacted by Apple’s server-side changes. Worthy of note, however, it seems that ReProvision won’t be receiving any updates to fix the app crashes as AltStore did.

CoolStar updates libhooker Configurator to v1.1.0 with crash fixes, other improvements

Libhooker configurator banner.

In case you missed it, CoolStar released a brand-new libhooker Configurator app last week so that users of the Odyssey and Odysseyra1n jailbreaks could have more granular control over their libhooker tweak injector.

In addition to letting users toggle libhooker on or off on the fly, libhooker Configurator also permitted individualized tweak toggling, disabling tweak injection for Web Pages, and individually configuring tweak injection for apps, SpringBoard, and even Daemon processes.

VPNCloak can help jailbreakers when the Jailbreaks.app certificate gets revoked

If you rely on a slide-loadable jailbreak such as Odyssey (iOS 13.0-13.7) or unc0ver (iOS 11, 12, and 13.0-13.5), then it can be devastating if your device suddenly reboots because of a dead battery or a glitch. When this happens, you’ll be without your jailbreak and any add-ons you installed until you can re-jailbreak again.

Sadly, with many signing service certificates being revoked left and right without notice and with AltStore suddenly not working for apps installed after January 28th, it almost seems like using these jailbreaks puts you right in the crossroads of frustration and unreliability. But perhaps it doesn’t need to.

New libhooker Configurator app updated to v1.0.1 with bug fixes, goes open source

Libhooker configurator banner.

Hot on the heels of an exciting new libhooker update for the Odyssey jailbreak and the subset of checkra1n devices utilizing Odysseyra1n, lead developer CoolStar is out with yet another important update that users won’t want to miss.

The latest update isn’t for libhooker per se, but rather for the brand new libhooker Configurator companion app, which grants users with powerful granular control over how and when libhooker loads its tweak injection methods on a particular device.

CoolStar updates libhooker to v1.4.0 with new configurator app

Jailbreakers taking advantage of the iOS 13-centric Odyssey tool or the checkra1n-based Odysseyra1n bootstrap on iOS 13 or 14 will almost certainly want to launch Sileo and refresh their sources.

In a message bulletin shared to the official Sileo / Odyssey / Chimera Discord channel early Tuesday morning, CoolStar announced the release of libhooker version 1.4.0 with a host of notable improvements for users using either of the aforementioned jailbreaks.

How to get the new iOS 14.2 emojis on your jailbroken device

The last few iOS point releases had been all quiet on the emoji front, but iOS and iPadOS 14.2 brought over 100 novelties to users, including such ragers as "Pinched Fingers" (that emphatic gesture which often accompanies a hackneyed impression of an Italian), "Bubble Tea", "Ninja", and "Tamale" (at last!). Whilst stock users will have to update to iOS 14.2 to make use of these little beauties, jailbroken users don't have to, thanks to developer Poomsmart.

Choosing between losing your jailbreak by updating to iOS 14.2, or being unable to spam your friends with the Dodo emoji, is thankfully not necessary. We'll show you how to get the best of both worlds.

JBStatusNotifier alerts jailbreakers to the Jailbreaks.app signing service’s certificate status

Apart from checkra1n, side-loadable jailbreak apps like Odyssey and unc0ver comprise of the overwhelming majority of modern jailbreak tools. While these jailbreak apps are easy to install via a computer with AltStore or Xcode, users demand computer-free options, and that’s the exact reason why signing services such as Jailbreaks.app exist.

As convenient as signing services can be in the short-term, they come with a rather conspicuous caveat: their certificates are often revoked, rendering them useless until a new certificate becomes available. With that in mind, Jailbreaks.app developer iCrazeiOS has released a new and free jailbreak tweak dubbed JBStatusNotifier that will help jailbreakers identify when the Jailbreaks.app certificate becomes revoked or signed.

Odyssey Team planning to update jailbreak soon with improvements to new exploit

The Odyssey Team updated its jailbreak tool on Friday to add support for the newly released iOS 13.5.1-13.7 exploit, and while the updated tool attracted a lot of positive response from the community, some avid jailbreakers were left disappointed after learning that handsets equipped with A8 or A9 chips and running the newly supported firmware versions weren’t supported – at least not at the time of this writing.

A Tweet shared by the Odyssey Team this Friday afternoon, offered some transparency into the current situation: