
Did Apple Just Accidentally Confirm the 3G iPod Touch?

Earlier this month, rumors were floating around the interwebs that Apple might be working on a 3G-capable iPod touch. Just like the iPad 3G, this iPod touch would have 3G data connectivity, allowing it to get internet access from virtually anywhere there is cell coverage.

Today we received a tip from an iDB reader pointing us to a page on Apple's website clearly showing an iPod touch with a 3G icon and signal strength in the status bar. Is this a hint from Apple that the company is indeed working on an iPod touch 3G?

iOS 5 Beta 4 Adds Cellular and GPS Toggles to iPod Touch

Remember the rumor that Apple would introduce a 3G-equipped iPod touch at its music event this September? A recent finding in the newly-released iOS 5 Beta 4 uncovers something that all but confirms that possibility.

There's always the chance that Apple got lazy and just forgot to remove the cellular and GPS toggles in the Settings app for the iPod touch, but it's more exciting to speculate that this is a sign of things to come...

iPod Touch 3G Concept

Over the past week or so, there have been rumors floating around about a 3G-Enabled iPod Touch coming later this fall. If this were happen, you would be able to use 3G data on your iPod Touch, for Facetime, iMessages, etc. You would also be able to use a VoIP app, such as Skype or Viber, to call people from your iPod Touch.

We took this concept to Photoshop, and we came up with the iPod Touch 3G. It looks exactly like the current iPod Touch, but has a black strip on the back. It also says "3G" in the menu bar. Along with that, it also features an integrated SIM card, as the next iPhone is rumored to have...

Interesting Theory: Next iPod Touch to Come with 3G

Ok, for those of you that made it past the oh-no-not-again rumor-esque title, I have an interesting theory to throw your way. No, this isn't another article regarding next-gen iPhone rumors, though it is undoubtedly related.

9to5Mac passed along an intriguing report coming from a Dutch publication known as AppleSpot. The blog is claiming that Apple is looking to change the handheld electronics market again this fall, by adding 3G data connectivity to their iPod Touch line. I know this must sound crazy, but humor me for a minute...

A Humorous iPhone 4 Anecdote

I have a friend who works at Radio Shack. He sells a lot of AT&T iPhones to customers and recently had a humorous story to share with me.

A woman entered the store and angrily asked for a sales associate. My friend responded to her, and asked her what the issue was. She held up her brand new iPhone 4 that she had purchased the week before, and proceeded to complain that she had been ripped off.

She explained that she had paid for an iPhone 4, but that's not what she was given. She demanded that since she paid for the newest iPhone, the store should exchange the one she had for a true iPhone 4...

DropCall Eliminator Routes Phone Calls to EDGE Network to Improve Call Quality

While most of its bad publicity has faded into the background, dropped calls are still an issue for AT&T customers (and all carriers) in certain areas. To remedy this problem, many AT&T customers have been directed to switch to the EDGE network when making phone calls.

Apparently, many dropped calls from AT&T iPhone handsets are caused by a 3G data conflict. The iPhone doesn't seem to experience that issue on EDGE networks. But wouldn't it be cumbersome to switch back and forth between EDGE and 3G all the time? Yes. But that's why we jailbreak. Meet DropCall Eliminator... 

New in iOS 5: High Quality YouTube Playback

In case you were wondering if folks were done uncovering new features in iOS 5, think again. Out of the 200 new features Apple has added to iOS, I believe we are on like #70 or so.

The latest find comes from iDevice hackers @Chronic and @Sonny Dickson, who have managed to gain access to internal settings in iOS 5. Apparently the new iOS will not only offer FaceTime over 3G, but high quality YouTube playback as well...

FaceTime to Go 3G in iOS 5, Carrier-Pending of Course

I'm sure most of you have seen the T-Mobile commercials that poke fun at the iPhone 4's inability to make video calls outside of a Wi-Fi area. The tagline at the end of the ads is always "Introducing the new T-Mobile MyTouch 4G, video chat without needing Wi-Fi."

Although the commercials don't account for services like Skype or jailbreakers using the My3G utility, they are otherwise spot-on. Apple's popular FaceTime video chat service has been restricted to Wi-Fi usage since its inception last year, but that could all change in iOS 5...

Apple Didn’t Tell Carriers About iMessage, Watch Out SMS?

Apple's wireless carrier partners were apparently just as surprised as we were when Apple unveiled its new messaging client, iMessage, at yesterday's WWDC keynote. Reportedly, Apple didn't bother to give carriers a heads up that they were introducing a new, media-rich messaging client before the actual presentation to the public.

Wireless carriers are the ones that will actually be handling the transfer of messages/photos/videos in iMessage over 3G. Apple demonstrated its classic attitude by not even bothering to give carriers a heads up about iMessage. What Apple wants, Apple gets.

New Hack Turns Your iPad 3G into a Phone to Allow Calls, SMS, and More

While the jailbreak scene is home to a lot of apps and utilities that make our lives easier, it is also a hot bed for innovation. Since the Cydia App Store has very little submission guidelines, developers can use forbidden API's as their hearts' desire.

While you may not necessarily "need" this utility, it definitely falls in the innovative category. The guys over at iPhoneIslam have created an app that turns your 3G-modeled iPad into a talking, texting iPhone. Don't believe it? Video after the break...

How iOS Over-The-Air Updates Could Look on the iPhone

With the recent news that Apple is considering Over-The-Air (OTA) updates for iOS 5, people have begun to speculate about how these future firmware updates will work on the iPhone.

If Apple does start pushing software updates over 3G straight to iDevices, a new interface will need to be added to iOS for these in-house updates. A fellow Apple fan has created some mockups of how OTA updates could look in iOS 5...

Apple Testing T-Mobile USA iPhone 4?

Well, well, what do we have here? The folks over at Boy Genuis Report have got their hands on what seems to be a photo of a T-Mobile iPhone 4, with 3G connectivity and all.

Looking at the markings on the back of the handset, in addition to the field-testing settings and applications on the device, it looks to be a prototype. BGR claims that the internal name for this specific model iPhone is N94, while the Verizon model is N92 and the standard GSM variant is N90.Â