TrollInstaller2 makes installing TrollStore easier on arm64e devices running iOS 14.0-15.5 beta 4

TrollStore developer Opa334 is out with another goodie for prospective users this Thursday evening in the form of TrollInstaller2.

Announced via Twitter Thursday evening, TrollInstaller2 is a revised version of the original TrollInstaller that supports all versions of iOS and iPadOS ranging from 14.0 to 15.4.1 (or 15.5 betas 1 through 4). Comparatively, the original TrollInstaller only supported iOS and iPadOS versions ranging from 15.0 to 15.1.1.

Citing the TrollInstaller 2 GitHub page, while the project supports iOS & iPadOS versions 14.0-15.4.1 (and 15.5 betas 1 through 4), it currently only works on A12-A15 chip-equipped (arm64e) devices. The process to install requires a Mac, and the user must have access to THEOS and the iOS 14.5 SDK.

The GitHub page goes on to list the following requirements and steps:

Compiling pwned IPA (currently requires a Mac) (Needs THEOS and 14.5 sdk installed)

1) Get a stock “Apple Developer” IPA (this app: (sorry german link but you get the idea)), you can do this using Apple Configurator (install it twice to your device and when it gives you the already exists error, copy the IPA from ~/Library/Group\ Containers/<some_uuid> to somewhere else and then cancel the installation).

2) Put it into _compile/target/Developer.ipa

3) Grab pwnify_compiled from Fugu14 repo (, sign it using codesign (codesign -s - <path/to/pwnify_compiled>) and put it at _compile/pwnify_compiled

4) Make sure you have Procursus ldid installed and added to your path! (

5) cd into _compile and run ./ (chmod +x ./ if you get a permission error)

6) Wait a bit, when done, there will be a DeveloperInstaller.ipa in _compile/out

Worthy of note, this is the first official project by Opa334 to support TrollStore installations on any firmware newer than iOS & iPadOS 15.1.1. While users could originally use the SSH Ramdisk method to install on newer firmware, TrollInstaller2 is more user-friendly and will make updating to newer versions of TrollStore easier for end users in the long run.

For those who don’t already know, TrollStore is a jailed app that can perma-sign virtually any .ipa file. This process is comparable to sideloading, except that users won’t be required to re-sign apps they install due to being perma-signed.

Developer opa334 continuously announces new updates via Twitter, but iDB will continue to keep our readers apprised of the latest developments as they happen, so be sure to stay tuned!