
Adobe Creative Cloud leak left millions exposed: Report

Adobe Creative cloud

Adobe left the personal information of almost 7.5 million customers of its Creative Cloud service exposed, according to a new report on The Next Web.

Security firm Comparitech says Adobe left an Elastisearch server accessible without any password or authentication required. Adobe corrected the problem as soon as it was alerted on October 19th. Exposed information included email addresses, Creative Cloud subscription information and other details, though financial information and passwords were not exposed.

Comparitech's concern is that the information which was exposed may make those Adobe customers more liable to phishing attacks in the future.

Adobe acknowledged the issue in a blog post:

The environment contained Creative Cloud customer information, including e-mail addresses, but did not include any passwords or financial information. This issue was not connected to, nor did it affect, the operation of any Adobe core products or services.

Do incidents like this make you wary to share your details with companies like Adobe? Sound off in the comments.

Not real Photoshop after all: Photoshop CC for iPad will miss some key features at launch

photoshop cc iPad

Adobe provided glimpses of an upcoming Photoshop CC for iPad port at an Apple event a year ago, promising to bring “real Photoshop” to the Apple tablet. According to a new report by Bloomberg, the iPad edition of the popular image-editing software is still on track for release before the end of 2019 as originally promised, but some key features won’t be available at launch.