
New to Mac? What’s Preview and what can you do with it?

Open with Preview on Mac

As another helpful piece in our "New to Mac" series, this tutorial walks you through the Preview app on your Mac. This useful tool is the default viewer for images and PDFs. You can use it for more than previews, however. Preview offers markup and annotation tools along with features for merging PDF files and signing documents.

So, if you’re new to Mac and want to know all about Preview and what you can do with it, read on!

How to customize the Finder Preview Pane options on Mac

How to show and use Finder Preview Pane on Mac

The Preview pane can be very helpful when you’re using Finder on your Mac. It gives you a quick glance at the file you select and includes details such as the date it was created, the tags you applied, and when it was last opened. For things like images and video files, you can see even more data like size, dimensions, and resolution.

The Preview pane can also give you Quick Actions, like the ability to rotate or mark up the file with a click. Each of the details you see in the Preview pane depends on the type of file you select, and that information can be customized. Here’s how to change the Finder Preview pane options on Mac to suit your needs.