
Dress is a free and feature-rich Lock screen customization tweak for iOS

The Lock screen is the first thing you see every time you pick up your iPhone to use it, so we’d completely understand if you wanted to personalize it. Apple doesn’t allow much by way of Lock screen customization out of the box, but if you’re jailbroken, then you’ll definitely want to check out a free jailbreak tweak called Dress by iOS developer Litten.

In a nutshell, Dress is probably the most comprehensive Lock screen customization jailbreak tweak that you can get without paying money. It offers a plethora of useful options that will make you excited to get your hands dirty with customization, and best of all, it can get you that personalized Lock screen experience you’ve been looking for.

Quart is a new notification interface that will make non-jailbreakers jealous

When compared with other smartphone operating systems, there’s no question that iOS leaves a lot to be desired in the notification department. Fortunately, those with jailbroken handsets no longer have to settle with what Apple provides out of the box.

Quart is a newly released jailbreak tweak by iOS developer LaughingQuoll and designer timeloop that replaces the lackluster native notification system on your pwned iPhone with one that will get you riled up every time you receive a text message or any other sort of notification.

WeatherGround unlocks fancy new Weather-centric features in iOS

WeatherGround provides more dynamic weather views on jailbroken iPhones.

Some of my favorite jailbreak tweaks of all time have been those that transform my iPhone’s weather reporting experience, and that’s one reason why I’m especially stoked to be sharing the news about a new free release dubbed WeatherGround by iOS developer Tr1Fecta.

In a nutshell, WeatherGround brings surreal weather-centric animations to the wallpaper of your Home screen and/or Lock screen. What’s more is that the effects can be displayed exactly how they’d appear in your iPhone’s native Weather app, or you can have the effects superimposed over your existing wallpaper image.

LSTweak gives your iPhone a snazzy new Lock screen interface

The Lock screen is the first thing you get to look at every time you pick up your iPhone and begin using it, and with that in mind, it’d be useful if Apple provided some kind of flexibility by way of user-configurable aesthetics and functionality.

While non-jailbroken handsets don’t have much to offer in this department, a newly released jailbreak tweak called LSTweak by iOS developer neoney empowers avid jailbreakers with the ability to have a sleek Lock screen interface like the one depicted above.

Kalm is a more informative Lock screen for pwned iPhones

The iOS Lock screen has received a plethora of subtle design changes over the years, but they haven’t been quite as audacious as some users would like to see, and personally, I’d like to see more of my most pertinent information directly on my Lock screen every morning without having to swipe anywhere.

If you’re onboard with this train of thought, then I think you’ll enjoy a newly released jailbreak tweak called Kalm by iOS developer ubik. Kalm brings a beautiful new information-oriented display to your iOS device’s Lock screen, permitting you to see more of what’s going on at a glance with substantially less interaction on your part.

Bedrock brings Minecraft’s funny splash screen messages to your Lock screen

It was only a couple of weeks ago that we broke the news about a jailbreak tweak release called McSettings that could theme your Settings app to look and feel more like the popular Minecraft game, but now you can do the same with your Lock screen with the help of a new add-on called Bedrock by iOS developer Samg_is_a_Ninja.

As you might’ve discerned for yourself already, Bedrock brings the nostalgic Minecraft-centric splash screen messages to your iPhone’s Lock screen. These are generally one-liners and somewhat tacky, but Minecraft lovers will be excited to hear that they animate precisely as they would in the game on your computer.

CustomLock lets you personalize your iPhone’s Lock screen text

The Lock screen is the first thing you see every time you pick up your iPhone to use it. With that in mind, it’s not hard to see why some jailbreakers are quick to customize the appearance of it.

If you’re a minimalist and you appreciate the small things in life, then you might take a liking to a newly-released jailbreak tweak called CustomLock by iOS developer TylerD3V, as it provides users with two great ways to change the Lock screen’s aesthetics: text alignment and third-party fonts.

Speculum gives your Lock screen a customizable aesthetic upgrade

If you’re in search of a fresh and aesthetically-pleasing Lock screen experience on your iPhone or iPad, then you might take an interest in a newly-released and free jailbreak tweak called Speculum by iOS developer LacertosusDeus.

As shown in the screenshot examples above, Speculum augments the Lock screen experience with customizable new features, including custom text alignment, formatting, colorization, and even a helpful new weather display.

Nostalgic for the classic iOS 6 Lock screen? Try this jailbreak tweak

iOS underwent a seriously polarizing redesign as it transitioned from iOS 6 to iOS 7, and for the most part, Apple still maintains the flat UI aesthetic over the older skeuomorphic design to this very day.

But for those who might be nostalgic of the good old days, a free jailbreak tweak dubbed Six (LS) by iOS developer Skitty ports the iOS 6-esque Lock screen with the classic ‘Slide to Unlock’ slider to even the latest iOS devices.

BinaryPasscode replaces your passcode buttons with binary-centric dots

It was only yesterday that we showed you a free jailbreak tweak called CodeScrambler 12, which randomized the positions of the number keys on your Lock screen’s passcode entry screen. But while we’re on the topic of obfuscating the passcode entry screen, why not check out a new free release dubbed BinaryPasscode by iOS developer eskimo_dev?

As shown in the before and after screenshot examples above, BinaryPasscode replaces the typical numbers that appear inside each of the passcode entry buttons with binary-centric dot patterns. BinaryPasscode should look familiar if you’ve ever used a similar tweak such as BinaryKeypad before.

Nereid offers a pleasant upgrade for the Lock screen’s Now Playing interface

iOS’ native Now Playing interface is good enough for most people, but if you demand more out of your user experience than the average Joe and have a jailbroken iPhone or iPad in your possession, then you may want to feast your eyes on a newly-released jailbreak tweak called Nereid by iOS developer Nepeta.

From what we can gather, Nereid brings an improved Now Playing interface to your handset’s Lock screen as you listen to your music. It can set your wallpaper as the Now Playing track’s album artwork, permit color and control customizations, and much more.