iPhone 13 Pro Max

Do you opt for the biggest screens possible?

I can still remember when Dell had a "tablet" out there in the world with a screen somewhere around five inches. At the time it was mocked and panned because the company dared to use marketing material showing a person holding that device up to the side of their head to make a call. Dared, because at the time it really was ridiculous. But, of course, we all know how a phone with a screen around five inches is considered small by some people these days.

iOS 15.2 beta 2 adds a Macro mode toggle in the iPhone 13 Pro’s Camera app

A still image taken from Apple's iPhone 13 Pro introduction video on YouTube, showing a closeup of the three cameras on the back.

With the launch of iOS 15 and the iPhone 13 Pro, which includes support for macro photography, Apple made a bold decision. That was automatic switching, which could be pretty aggressive sometimes. That meant that some users were unable to avoid automatically switching to Macro mode for snapping a photo, even when they didn't want it. The good news, Apple was quick to fix it with the wide launch of iOS 15.1.

iPhone 13 screen repair process called a ‘trap’ that may have huge implications for the repair industry

Apple would very much like to keep tabs on the repair process for all of its devices. For some, that's a bonus because it means that the company who makes the devices can also fix them. And there are also authorized service providers if one can't make it to a physical Apple Store. However, some see it as a way for Apple to keep an iron grip on something it doesn't want out of its control. Both are probably true.