App Store

How to manually or automatically update apps on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch

Apple App Store logo with pending updates in red badge

App updates introduce new features, fix existing bugs, or improve compatibility with the operating system (iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS). Having the latest version of an app ensures the latest features, improved security, and the best experience. Therefore, you must keep your applications updated.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to manually or automatically update apps on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch via the App Store.

Rocket League Sideswipe with its car soccer shenanigans launches globally for iPhone and iPad

Remember back in March of this year, when video game developer Psyonix made some waves when they announced a brand new car soccer (football) experience for mobile? That was some good news, especially for fans of the original Rocket League they've been playing on PC and consoles for years. Unfortunately, we didn't know when, exactly, the game would launch. But, surprise! It's here now.