
Check out the most comprehensive jailbreaking coverage on the internet, including the latest news, apps, tweaks, and detailed tutorials about everything jailbreak.

This tweak upgrades Safari’s download manager with media importing & more

When Apple released iOS & iPadOS 13 last Summer, one of the exciting new features that the company added to the iPhone and iPad experience for the very first time was a built-in download manager for the native Safari web browser. As necessary as this was to make Apple’s platforms both usable and competitive with the rest of the mobile device market, it still left quite a bit to be desired — par for the course when it comes to Apple.

Jailbreakers have significantly more options to choose from when it comes to augmenting this user experience, and with the help of a recently-updated jailbreak tweak dubbed Safari Downloader+ by iOS developer Jalal Ouraigua, jailbreakers can both expect more and get it, especially in terms of the Safari file-downloading experience. The all-new version 5.0 of the Safari Downloader+ adds full support for iOS & iPadOS 13 for the first time.

Inferius permits creating & restoring from custom IPSWs via checkm8 exploit

Upon refreshing the /r/jailbreak subreddit Wednesday evening, many jailbreakers were pleasantly surprised to learn about the release of a novel jailbreak-centric utility dubbed Inferius by @marijuanARM.

After a quick scan of the release notes on the project’s official GitHub page, it becomes apparent that Inferius was created to aid users in the process of creating and restoring from custom IPSW files. Quite the attention-grabbing feat indeed, but you’ll definitely want to read more about Inferius before you start jumping right in.

Saurik responds to asinine claim that recent Cydia Substrate updates are about competition

If you’ve spent any time brushing up on your jailbreak news over the past couple of months, then you likely noticed that Jay Freeman, also commonly known as Saurik, has released a plethora of updates for Cydia Substrate recently.

Those who know their jailbreak facts will know that the Cydia Substrate package isn’t one to normally receive a ton of updates. As such, many jumped to the conclusion that Saurik may be trying to modernize Cydia Substrate solely for competitive purposes as other tweak injection methods gain steam on alternative jailbreaks. A statement recently released by Saurik reveals that this couldn’t be further from the truth…

Parcility is an upcoming website & API for browsing jailbreak repositories

In most scenarios, someone with the desire to view jailbreak apps and tweaks would need to fire up their jailbroken device and launch a package manager such as Cydia, Installer, Sileo, or Zebra to do so. Sometimes, however, you might fancy searching for specific packages hosted on your favorite repositories even when your jailbroken device isn’t in reach, and this poses unique challenges in and of itself.

An upcoming website and API dubbed Parcility will strive to make all of this information readily available from virtually any web browser, whether you’re using a personal computer or a non-jailbroken device to browse jailbreak-centric repositories. Citing the concept’s release post on /r/jailbreak, Parcility will index more than 600 individual repositories, and this equates to a whole lot of browsing power.

Saurik updates Cydia Substrate again with additional stability-centric fixes

Following a chain of recent updates to the Cydia Substrate package this past weekend, Saurik issued yet another update late last night with notable bug fixes and changes. The latest update brings the tweak injection method up to version 0.9.7110.

The change log comments via Cydia Substrate’s official package depiction are particularly extensive for this release, and are as follows:

PowerUp can help jailbreakers charge their iPhones faster

Low Power Mode.

My iPhone's battery often finds itself scrambling to catch a charge before I leave for the day, whether it’s an all-day outing or a short trip to the grocery store. In any case, it would be helpful if my iPhone could charge faster than it already does out of the box, and it’s axiomatic that most iPhone users would agree.

On stock devices, users could enable Low Power Mode while charging to juice up their handset’s battery faster, but if you’re jailbroken, then you can take advantage of a far more effective solution that comes in a form of a new and free jailbreak tweak dubbed PowerUp by iOS developers Kurrt and Squiddy.

Carrierizer2 can replace your Status Bar’s carrier text with something better

Customizing the Status Bar’s carrier text is a modification that hasn’t lost even an ounce of its popularity since the dawn of iPhone jailbreaking more than decade ago. How you go about it, on the other hand, depends entirely on you.

Carrierizer2 is a newly released and free jailbreak tweak by iOS developer CydiaGeek that lets pwned iPhone users customize their Status Bar’s carrier text in more ways than one. Whether you prefer keeping things simple by replacing the carrier text with a custom text string or something more advanced like your IP address or temperature, this tweak brings a lot to the table that might be worth checking out.

Lyrication v2 adds slick music lyric support iOS’ Now Playing interfaces

Music enriches our lives at a spiritual level, and that’s one of the reasons why it can be so enjoyable to turn on the radio when you’re at work or undertaking a menial task. But if you’ve ever listened to a song and couldn’t distinguish its lyrics before, then you’d understand easy access to song lyrics is such an imperative ingredient for the ideal mobile music player, much like your iPhone.

Many music streaming applications already come with lyric functions out of the box, but this only applies to when you’re in that particular app. Apple could and should make the user experience more useful by allowing lyric viewing from the Now Playing widget anywhere in iOS, and that’s one reason why a free jailbreak tweak called Lyrication v2 by iOS developer Marcel Braun exists.

Cydia Substrate updated to version 0.9.7109 with more bug fixes

Following a pair of updates released for both the Cydia Substrate and Substrate Safe Mode packages bright and early Sunday morning, it seems that Saurik has pushed a second update for the Cydia Substrate package Sunday afternoon to fix a few bugs that were introduced in the first update.

The latest version of the Cydia Substrate package is now version 0.9.7109, and according to the change log for this release, Saurik notes the following changes in this release:

Cydia Substrate & Substrate Safe Mode receive twin updates with improvements

After a brief hiatus from last month’s rush of Cydia Substrate updates, Saurik appears to be at it again. Starting this morning, checkra1n jailbreak users should be able to refresh their sources and see two notable new updates including Cydia Substrate version 0.9.7108 and Substrate Safe Mode version 0.9.6004.

Both packages are especially important for the checkra1n jailbreak, as one drives tweak injection while the other serves as the last line of defense between jailbreak tweak failures and the possibility of a consequential boot loop. Fortunately, these packages work in tandem to permit jailbreak tweak usage in a safe environment.