Learn to make and sell your own apps for iOS 13 with this course

With over 2,000,000 apps on the App Store and more being created all the time, there's a huge demand in the tech industry for new iOS developers. From games to social networking to productivity tools, there's an endless variety of apps available. Even small businesses pay developers to create dedicated iOS apps for them.

Give notification badges a custom aesthetic with BadgeMe

The infamous notification badge has looked almost the same on the iOS platform for more than a decade. The single most significant transformation befell with the release of iOS 7 when Apple nixed skeuomorphism from the bulk of iOS’ user interface, but even then, it didn’t change much.

The circumstances are absolutely astounding, but they aren’t hopeless. Those lucky enough to have a pwned handset in their possession can change how their notification badges look right this very second with the help of a newly released jailbreak tweak called BadgeMe by iOS developer Sirius24.

Apple unsigns iOS 13.1.2 and 13.1.3, thwarting downgrades from 13.2

Apple closed the signing window for two different iOS versions for various handsets Wednesday evening, including 13.1.2 and 13.1.3.

It’s regular practice for Apple to stop signing older versions of iOS after a newer release has been available for some time. Doing so both prevents software downgrades by the jailbreak-savvy and encourages software updates for everyone else to ensure users take advantage of the latest features and security patches.

The best free iPhone chore apps for kids and families

iPhone Chore Apps - SmoresUp

Doing chores isn’t a fun job at any age. But for kids, it can feel like a punishment. So, if there’s a way to make it a little more fun for them to complete their chores, then why not give it a try?

With an app on iPhone, keeping track of chores and rewarding them for their work is a cool way to motivate your child.

To help you out, we’ve compiled this list of the best free iPhone chore apps for kids and families.

Apple Health works with VA, but not with my doctor

Apple's Health app icon

Apple's recent announcement that it's partnered with the U.S. Veterans Administration (VA) to make the VA's own Health Records system accessible within the Health application on the iPhone got me thinking: What the hell is wrong with my own health care provider? I'm not a vet but I almost wish I were, if it would simplify this process. Because the way I access my own information is a raging dumpster fire.

Twitter 8.1.5 fixes iOS auto-refresh bug

Social media service Twitter lit up with complaints from iOS users who found a very unwelcome behavior in a recent update - the app would automatically refresh when users were scrolling through their Twitter timeline, sending them back up to the top. After acknowledging the problem, Twitter has pushed out an update that's now available for download from the App Store. Look for version 8.1.5 to correct the problem.