Titls, Serene, Fryda, and other apps to check out this weekend

Hey everybody, it’s the weekend again! That means it’s time for another edition of our Apps of the Week roundup. This week we have some great picks for you including a widget for customizing Home screens, a white noise machine, and a digital filing cabinet. And as always, we’ve selected a great game for you to check out.


Here’s one for the customization crowd. It’s called Titls, and as the name suggests, it allows you to create titles for your Home screens so you can better organize them. Have a screen for just work-related apps? Title it. What about a screen for games? Title it. The titles are inserted via widgets, and you can customize the font and color to your liking. This is obviously a simple, no-frills widget, but I imagine some folks will find the functionality useful.

Download for free

Serene – White Noise, Sleep & Rest

Serene is an app that provides calm, relaxing music to help you focus, meditate, or even fall asleep. It has a friendly interface and is loaded with features such as timers, interactive widgets, and charts to track your listening. There are over 30 sounds to choose from, and multiple scene settings for relaxing visuals like campsites, beach, and temple. If you don’t already have a go-to white noise/relaxing sounds app, maybe check this one out.

Download for free


Fryda—do you think it’s pronounced Free-ya-da or Frye-da? Anyway, this app is aimed at helping you become more organized when it comes to things like receipts, warranties, registrations, and other important product information.  It’s easy to add products and scan in any necessary paperwork, and then when/if you go to resell or repair the product, or place a warranty or insurance claim, you have all the pertinent info right at your fingertips.

Download for free

Little Triangle

No, this isn’t a game about geometry. Little Triangle is a hand-drawn platform action-adventure game in which you attempt to restore peace and prosperity to the Triangle Kingdom. You play as Little Triangle and your goal is to work your way through factories, temples and jungles, facing countless enemies and obstacles. The art style is unique, the gameplay gets increasingly challenging, and there are no IAPs. Sounds like a fun weekend game, eh?

Download for free

App-related news and tips from this week

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