Nostalgic Microsoft wallpapers for desktop

For an Apple focused website, you may find it strange to offer an entire collection of nostalgic Microsoft wallpapers for desktop. However, I would venture to guess, that not all of us started out on a Mac as our first computer, at least those of us born before 2000. These wallpapers capture some of the ‘fun’ from the Windows ’98 era, in 4K resolution.

Nostalgic Microsoft wallpaper

I very fondly remember my days in front of Windows 98. I think it is probably the operating system I’ve used the longest out of all my computing days… especially since macOS is updated every year. Windows 98 was around forever before it was upgraded to Windows XP.

I spent time on MS Paint, playing minesweeper and that pinball game, and lost hours on Command and Conquer. At that time, I didn’t know any better and was just rocking the “Bliss” wallpaper. Seen by millions of people, for hours at a time, it must be one of the most iconic desktop backgrounds in the history of computing.

A former National Geographic photographer, Charles O’Rear, resident of Napa Valley, took the original photo. It was selected by Microsoft because “it illustrates the experiences Microsoft strives to provide customers (freedom, possibility, calmness, warmth, etc.).” I’m not going to speak for everyone, but I think we can all agree that Microsoft’s claimed inspiration was not always happening on the OS. Although, Windows 95 did seem to be one of the most stable Microsoft OS that I can remember, it was mostly the hardware that ended up giving me trouble.

A full host of wallpapers can be found on the Microsoft Design page. Buried in a collection is a 4k version of the Bliss wallpaper. There is no indication if this image is a recreation or a touched up original, but it certainly does justice to the popular image. These were created by SIX&FIVE.

Microsoft Bliss Nostalgic Windows Wallpaper 4k Download
Microsoft Nostalic Clippy 4k Download
Microsoft Nostalgic Solitaire 4k Download
Microsoft Nostalic MSPaint 4k Download

Just because the above images are so kitchy, I thought to include just a few more. If you find yourself a true Microsoft fan, these icon wallpapers are pretty compelling.

Microsoft cloud OneDrive icon wallpaper Download
Microsoft Office wallpaper Download
Microsoft Powerpoint wallpaper Download
Microsoft Excel wallpaper Download
Microsoft OneNote wallpaper Download
Microsoft Office plus wallpaper Download

If you like wallpapers, that are normally celebrations of Apple, then stay close to iDB for our Wallpapers of the Week update, every Sunday. You can influence the collection by sending me a link via @jim_gresham, where I curate the collection!