Twitter is testing reaction videos. Sounds like a great tool for harassment

A new Twitter feature in testing would make it possible to retweet someone’s tweet with a reaction photo or video, along with the tweet embedded.

Twitter's promotional image showing how to retweet a tweet with a reaction video on iPhone
Image credit: Twitter


  • Twitter is testing retweeting tweets with video reactions
  • The test is available for some in Twitter’s iPhone app
  • You can quote a tweet with a reaction photo or video

Twitter is testing reaction videos à la Twitter and Instagram

The test was announced by the company’s support team on Twitter.

If launched publicly, it would enable you to add some media to a quoted tweet. Normally, you can retweet a tweet like in the good old days or choose to add a comment to the original tweet, in which case you’re taking advantage of the Quote Tweet feature.

This test changes that, allowing you to also retweet a tweet with an accompanying reaction photo or video. Like with the regular quote tweets, video reactions are accompanied by the embedded tweet you’re quoting. Read: How to create Twitter lists

One possible problem with this feature is Twitter itself. Often called a platform for harassment, Twitter should have thought through this feature better because right now anyone can post a video reaction to anyone’s public tweet. Twitter would be wise to add a privacy control so you could define the audience that gets to react to your tweets.

When will tweet reaction videos launch officially?

Not all Twitter features make it past the testing phase. Some are discarded when the team realizes their ideas won’t catch on with users, others are killed after an avalanche of negative user feedback. Assuming all goes well and testers respond positively to this feature, we can expect to see it rolled out more widely in the coming weeks.

Those who are included in this test have the feature available and can start using it.

How to quote a tweet with a reaction photo or video

If you’re included in this test, simply hit the Retweet button next to the tweet you’d like to retweet, then choose the option to react to the selected tweet with a photo or video.

  1. Launch the official Twitter app on your iPhone
  2. Open a tweet you’d like to react to
  3. Hit the Retweet icon below the tweet
  4. Choose “Quote Tweet with reaction” from the menu
  5. Snap a photo or record a video reaction
  6. Choose “Tweet” to publish your reaction

Don’t worry, the original tweet will be embedded in your video reaction.

And that’s how you post a video reaction on Twitter!

As we mentioned earlier, Twitter’s support team has announced that video reactions are being tested on iOS first with a small percentage of users. The company did not say when it might begin this test on Twitter for Android. We imagine it will take a few weeks to see if the feature is proving popular with iOS users, before launching it on Android.

Twitter also appears to be testing another new feature in the iPhone app, according to Twitter Support, which makes it easier to start a tweet with a new composer bar above the bottom navigation menu. Recently, Twitter launched automatic captions for videos.