Pathica, Unmute, and other apps to check out this weekend

The Apps of the Week column is back with some great new apps for you to check out this weekend. We have a six degrees of separation social media app, an app for classy cocktails, and even a game where you can play for real money. See the full roundup below!

Pathica – Connect with Anyone

Have you ever heard of the Six Degrees of Separation theory? It’s the idea that all people are, on average, 6 or fewer social connections away from each other. This app lets you test that theory via Instagram. Just login with your IG info and select the person you want to connect with, and using cached Instagram details, Pathica will tell you if you have any common friends. Who knows, maybe you can find out that you know someone, who knows someone, who knows Will Smith.

Download for free

Negroni – Cocktail Recipes

Negroni is an app full of easy-to-follow cocktail recipes that can be made using basic ingredients. Want to classy up an occasion with an Old Fashioned or Martini? Or kick back and relax with a nice Mojito? Negroni can help. Now I know there are a ton of these apps already on the App Store, but hey, this one is new-ish and has a super cool icon.

Download for free

Unmute – Phone Call Assistant

This is pretty cool. The developer of Unmute discovered a new API in iOS that allows you to inject text-to-speech into a live phone call, and that’s essentially what the app does. You can create a sound board of sorts of custom sentences that your phone can either read out loud or speak into a phone call. Now the focus here is obviously to help folks who are mute or have other speech impediments, but it seems like the use-cases for this type of tech are unlimited.

Download for free

ARMAJET: High Stakes

ARMAJET bills itself as a ‘real money multiplayer shooter.’ Seriously, you can “make real money by using your skill to defeat your opponent.” It says it right in the App Store description. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of anything like that. Now these prize tournaments are apparently not available in every state—I imagine this brushes right up against gambling regulations—but the graphics are sharp and there are a ton of game modes and options. This certainly seems like a game worth checking out.

Download for free

App-related news from this week