How to sort mailboxes by alphabetical order in the Mail app on iPhone and Mac

The Mail app on iOS and macOS offers plenty of organization options, including the ability to sort mailboxes as per your liking. If you’re someone who receives hundreds of emails in a day, then you probably have created different mailboxes to organize emails according to the sender. In such cases, you may want to organize the mailboxes in a certain order so that it’s easier to access.

There are plenty of ways to organize or sort mailboxes in the Mail app. In this article, we’ll show you how you can sort your mailboxes by alphabetical order on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Mail on MacBook

Sort mailboxes on Mac

It’s fairly simple to arrange or sort mailboxes by alphabetical order in the Mail app on Mac. There’s no automatic way to do this, so you’ll need to do this manually. Here’s how:

  1. Launch the Mail app on your Mac.
  2. You should see the mailboxes on the left panel. Click on a mailbox and drag it to where you want to move it.
Sort mailbox alphabetical order Mail

This could take a while, especially if you have a lot of mailboxes. However, if there are only a few to arrange, then you can sort them alphabetically in no time.

Sort mailboxes on iPhone or iPad

On the iPhone or iPad, the process is similar to what you would do in the Mail app for Mac. Follow the steps below to organize the mailboxes in alphabetical order. Again, it’s a manual process:

  1. Open the Mail app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap Mailboxes in the top left corner.
  3. Tap the Edit option from the top of the list.
  4. Now touch and hold the hamburger icon (three-line icon) next to the mailboxes and sort them alphabetically.

Rearrange mailboxes

The manually created Mailboxes on iPhone and iPad are already organized alphabetically, and you can’t change their order.

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