‘LockscreenSureCam’ Checks Before Launching the Camera App

Do you have an ongoing issue with accidentally launching the Lock Screen camera in iOS 5? If so, then perhaps this is the jailbreak tweak for you.

LockscreenSureCam is a tweak that prompts you before launching the Camera on your Lock Screen. I don’t know anyone who’s ever had a problem with this, but I’m sure someone is out there that does. If that’s you, then check inside for a brief video walkthrough.


LockscreenSureCam is a free jailbreak tweak on Cydia’s BigBoss repo, and it requires a jailbroken iOS 5 device in order to use it.

Most will probably deem this tweak as “worthless” but there’s no doubt somebody out there that is jumping with glee at this very moment. What do you think?