PureKFD versions 5.1 & 5.2 optimize the app’s overall performance and user experience

PureKFD banner image.

PureKFD, one of the package manager apps for non-jailbroken devices that allows users to install hacks and add-ons developed for both the MacDirtyCow (MDC) exploit for iOS & iPadOS 15.0-16.1.2 and the Kernel File Descriptor (KFD) exploit for iOS & iPadOS 16.0-16.6.1 picked up some important updates in the past couple of weeks that would have been easy to miss if you’ve been focusing attention elsewhere — such as on the development of Dopamine 2 and the likes.

How to install PureKFD with TrollStore

PureKFD banner.

If you haven’t already heard, there’s another package manager app for the MacDirtyCow and kfd exploits in town, and it’s called PureKFD. This project allows you to browse a whole host of repositories that support Misaka and Picasso-compatible packages.