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Comet brings iOS 14-inspired widgets to jailbroken iOS 13 devices

If you sat back and watched the WWDC 2020 presentation, then you would’ve witnessed Apple’s plans for the upcoming iOS & iPadOS 14 software update slated to launch this Fall. One of the features that stood out most to me was the introduction of authentic Home Screen widgets, which the jailbreak community has enjoyed for years along with several other of iOS 14’s ‘new’ features.

Jailbreakers are typically hard-pressed to partake in major software updates like iOS 14 because of the implications that doing so would have on their jailbreak eligibility. Fortunately, a newly released jailbreak tweak dubbed Comet by iOS developer Dylan West (@iOSthemem0d) brings a multitude of new widgets to jailbroken iOS 13 devices, and it certainly evokes an iOS 14-esque vibe if you know what we mean…

AdjacentPeriod makes the period key appear adjacent to the space bar at all times

Chronic typists, especially those who use the iOS platform for such works, will find that the process of adding a period to the end of a sentence is somewhat cumbersome. This is due to how the iOS keyboard is designed, initially necessitating that the user enters a second keyboard state comprised of other symbols just to access the period key.

As you begin using the keyboard in the Safari web browser, however, you’ll notice that a period key naturally appears adjacent to the space bar to make inputting periods easier – this is a valuable asset when inputting URLs. If you, like me, wish that the keyboard experience was exactly like this system-wide, then you’re probably going to appreciate a new jailbreak tweak dubbed AdjacentPeriod by iOS developer Mikeneko.

Lakeside offers advanced custom aesthetics for your iPhone’s application Dock

From the moment you unlock your iPhone and begin interacting with the Home Screen to launch apps, the Dock is one of the first things you see. It stands out with its pronounced background and exclusive user-selected app list that persists regardless of which page of the Home Screen you’re on. But what if you could customize the Dock even further?

Meet Lakeside, a newly released jailbreak tweak by iOS developer Sirius that lets jailbreakers assume full control over the aesthetics and behavior of their Home Screen’s application Dock in more ways than one. With it, users can enjoy custom colors, borders, styles, and even animations, all of which are extremely likely to capture the attention of others who aren’t already jailbroken.

Merriam is a new all-in-one jailbreak tweak for customizing iOS 13 on a budget

As far as the jailbreak community is concerned, the popularity of all-in-one jailbreak tweaks is something that can’t be written off by any stretch. People just seem to love one-stop-shop because of the convenience and performance advantages that it tends to bring to the table; plus, there’s something to be said about the satisfaction of accomplishing the same thing with one big tweak that you can with a plethora of smaller ones.

Springtomize is often the first thing that comes to mind when discussing all-in-one jailbreak tweaks because it has been around the longest and it continues to receive updates with each iteration of iOS. Lately, however, we’ve seen a much higher number of Springtomize competitors that offer different options with a much smaller price tag attached. The latest of such releases is one dubbed Merriam by iOS developer kanns.

Jailbreak tweaks of the week: Hazmat, Indy, Selenium, and more…

These past few weeks have been particularly interesting for the jailbreak community. Whether you’re waiting for a new jailbreak tool to officially drop or you’re following the intense security research aspect of things, it seems like there’s never a dull moment anymore.

In this roundup, we will discuss the latest jailbreak tweaks released from Monday, August 10th to Sunday, August 16th. As usual, we’ll kick things off by talking about our favorite releases first and then wrap things up with an outline of the rest afterward.

BHTwitter upgrades the official Twitter app on jailbroken iPhones and iPads

Twitter is one of the most powerful social media platforms for reaching large volumes of people, and it’s also one of the best ways to stay informed via your favorite brands, friends, influencers, and special interests. Twitter knows they have one of the best platforms, but for whatever reason they impose silly limitations on users. Fortunately, jailbreakers aren’t confined to such productivity-stifling limitations.

BHTwitter is a newly released and free jailbreak tweak by iOS developer bandarhelal that unlocks a bevy of useful features in the official Twitter app that are normally barred to regular Twitter users. It’s a great way to get the most out of your Twitter user experience without waiting for the developers of the social media platform to wake up and smell the roses in terms of the features that users demand most.

WiFi List lets iPhone users view previous Wi-Fi networks & their passwords

After you log into a Wi-Fi network on your iPhone, it will remember that network and connect to it automatically when in range. As you might come to expect, this means your handset keeps a database of previously used Wi-Fi networks. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t allow users to access this information on their own devices out of the box.

If your iPhone is jailbroken, then you may be excited to learn that there’s a way around this frustrating quandary. A newly released and free jailbreak app dubbed WiFi List by iOS developer Itaybre consolidates all of your previously used Wi-Fi networks, their passwords, and more valuable information about them into one convenient place for future reference.

Newly teased exploit for iOS 13.6.1 uses different method than traditional tfp0

There’s some potentially exciting news for the jailbreak community this weekend after hacker and security researcher @08Tc3wBB teased what appears to be a newfangled approach to exploiting the latest public release of iOS on one of Apple’s current-generation iPhones.

Citing one of @08Tc3wBB’s latest Tweets, it would appear that the hacker successfully pwned an iPhone 11 Pro Max running iOS 13.6.1 without using a traditional tfp0-style exploit like those used in the majority of modern jailbreaks like Odyssey and unc0ver:

Control the result of every Siri coin toss with SiriCoinControl

Not that we condone cheating in any way shape or form, especially when it would involve a reward, but it can sometimes be exciting to prank your friends with rigged coin flips and the likes. With that in mind, we think some pranksters might have a lot of fun with a newly released and free jailbreak tweak called SiriCoinControl by iOS developer Wes.

Just as the name implies, SiriCoinControl lets users control the outcome of coin flips performed by the Siri voice assistant on pwned iPhones and iPads. If you don’t have any two-headed coins laying around, then this tweak lets you backpedal on your virtual assistant while still being able to force a heads or tails outcome on demand.

Violet makes the Now Playing track’s album art into your handset’s wallpaper & more

Jailbreakers have a lot of reasons to enjoy using their iPhone, perhaps more than those using unmodified handsets. This very same sentiment pertains to iOS’ music consumption experience, which can be completely augmented with the help of fun and quirky jailbreak tweaks such as a new and free release called Violet by iOS developer Litten.

As depicted in the screenshot examples above, Violet complements the music consumption experience on the iOS platform by automatically replacing the handset’s existing wallpaper image with that of the album artwork of any Now Playing track. Best of all, this process happens in real time and supports both the Apple Music and Spotify Music apps.

StorageByName lets you sort iOS’ storage usage page using various parameters

With apps becoming more advanced and powerful with each passing day, an unfortunate side effect is that those same apps grow in size. Consequently, the apps we use every day have a tendency to eat up significant portions of our handsets’ valuable non-upgradeable storage space.

iPhone and iPad users can discern which apps are using the most substantial helpings of your storage by visiting the Settings → General → iPhone/iPad Storage preference pane, but it sure would be nice if Apple provided more sorting options. That’s where a newly released and free jailbreak tweak dubbed StorageByName by iOS developer udevs comes into play.

NotiFill & NotiFill Pro give banner notifications a fun and quirky ‘fill’ animation

As you use your iPhone or iPad throughout the day, you’re likely to receive a number of banner notifications from various apps, whether they’re comprised of text messages coming from Apple’s Messages app, status updates coming from Facebook, or activity alerts coming from Twitter. One thing all these banner notifications have in common, despite coming from different apps, is that they’re particularly boring.

NotiFill & NotiFill Pro are a newly released set of and free and paid jailbreak tweak by iOS developer rafferli that aims to make banner notifications of all types more exciting to look at. It achieves this feat by giving banner notifications animated color fills that may look somewhat reminiscent of loading bars.