
TaiG jailbreak news, download links and tutorials. Learn how to jailbreak iOS 8 with TaiG on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch using our guides and videos.

TaiG issues another update to its iOS 8.3 jailbreak tool

I think it's safe to say that it's been a whirlwind the last few days. TaiG isn't showing any signs of slowing down, as they've now made yet another update to their jailbreak tool available online. This update, dubbed TaiG 2.1.1 comes mere hours after the 2.1.0 update—a release that aimed to fix the Cydia Substrate issues—was discovered.

As far as what's included in TaiG 2.1.1, my guess is bug fixes. Judging by the minor release version, there's likely some minor fixes that were important enough to warrant an update.

At any rate, it's always best to use the latest and greatest when it comes to jailbreak tools, so if you've yet to jailbreak, you might as well use TaiG 2.1.1 to do so.

Poll: Will you jailbreak iOS 8.3?

Now that Cydia Substrate is available, users can now enjoy the many jailbreak tweaks and apps available on Cydia. Given the timing of this iOS 8.3 release, we're interested to know what our readers think about the jailbreak overall.

Are you jailbroken? Do you plan on doing so soon? Or are you holding off altogether? Sound off in our poll, and check to see where you stand with regard to other jailbreakers.

TaiG 2.1 released to fix Cydia Substrate

It looks like several reddit users have unearthed the next version of the TaiG jailbreak for iOS 8.3. Several users have posted screenshots of the tool, which is said to fix the Cydia Substrate issues, iTunes issues, etc.

I've tested the untether myself, and I can confirm that it works. Cydia Substrate now works, and jailbreak tweaks that are compatible with iOS 8.3 now work.

Saurik releases Cydia Installer 1.1.18 for jailbroken iOS devices

Hot on the heels of the 1.1.17 release of Cydia Installer comes yet another update. This version, aptly dubbed 1.1.18, is another bug fix.

Saurik states that this bug fix is the result of another "proactive" fix for iOS 8.3 and the just released Cydia Installer 1.1.17. To download this update, simply launch Cydia and refresh. You should be automatically prompted to install the update.

What tweaks are compatible with iOS 8.3? Here’s a list

Our friends over at r/jailbreak have compiled a list of compatible jailbreak tweaks for iOS 8.3. Unsurprsingly, most of the tweaks on the list have problems or don't work at all. This is due to the fact that a fix needs to be implemented by the TaiG team to ensure Cydia Substrate compatibility.

Even still, there are a few jailbreak apps that don't rely on Cydia Substrate, and thus work. Once Cydia Substrate compatibility is restored, this list will likely change rapidly as developers lend attention to their tweaks and apps.

How to install AFC2 on a jailbroken iOS 8.3 device

One of the great things about having a jailbroken device is that you can browse the native root file structure directly from your computer. This is done via tools like iFunbox and iExplore.

The only catch is that you need a special package installed on your jailbroken device before you're given access to the filesystem. This package, Apple File Conduit, better known as AFC2, allows you to do just that.

The TaiG jailbreak for iOS 8.3 doesn't automatically add AFC2 support to your jailbroken device, but it's easy to add it after your jailbreak. Just follow this simple tutorial, and you'll be browsing your root filesystem on your Mac or PC in no time.

25PP releases its own iOS 8.3 jailbreak tool that purportedly utilizes TaiG code

It looks like a little bit of controversy may be brewing over the purported usage of TaiG code in an alternative jailbreak tool from 25PP. As you guys may remember, 25PP with its "PP Assistant" is the same same App Store that shipped with previous Pangu jailbreaks. The PP Assistant was also incorporated into the PP jailbreak, but like the 3K assistant present in TaiG, users could opt out.

Now 25PP has packaged their own jailbreak tool that purportedly incorporates the TaiG jailbreak. This will no doubt cause issue with TaiG, as it's diverting users to use a tool other than its own.

How to jailbreak iOS 8.3 or iOS 8.4 on Mac using a virtual machine

Although the iOS 8.3/iOS 8.4 jailbreak was a surprise, it was no surprise that the release was limited to Windows only. While this can make some Mac users feel bitter, it's actually not a very big deal at all.

Thanks to the awesome virtual machine software that we have on the Mac, it's super-easy to jailbreak an iPhone on our Macs, even if said jailbreak is Windows only.

In this complete tutorial, I'll walk you through the entire process of setting up the virtual machine, installing a valid version of iTunes, and jailbreaking your iPhone.

The most impressive thing about this tutorial is that it can all be done in less than 18 minutes (not including the necessary file downloads), and it's 100% free to do.

If you're a Mac-only user, there really is no excuse for you not to be jailbroken if you want to be. This method is tried and true, super-reliable, and it just works. In fact, by sticking to this method and following my video, you'll likely be able to avoid many of the pitfalls plaguing those who are experiencing issues with the TaiG tool.

How to jailbreak iOS 8.3 with TaiG 2.0

In this tutorial, I will show you how to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad running iOS 8.3 using TaiG 2.0. This jailbreak is super easy to do, and takes minimal effort if the instructions are followed closely.

Watch our full video walkthrough inside, as I take you through the step-by-step jailbreak process for iOS 8.3.

The status of Cydia Substrate on iOS 8.3

When TaiG released its iOS 8.3 jailbreak early this morning, it was largely assumed that saurik would need to do something on his end to ensure compatibility with Cydia Substrate—the support framework used to run your favorite jailbreak tweaks.

As it turns out, that's not exactly the case. In fact, saurik himself has cleared the air, making it apparent that the ball is in TaiG's court when it comes to providing a fix for substrate.

How to fix the TaiG 20% timeout for the iOS 8.3 jailbreak

Thankfully, the 20% error that was causing us problems earlier today has been solved. If you received this error, you need to downgrade your version of iTunes.

I decided to downgrade to iTunes 12.1.0 as suggested by several of my Twitter followers, and just like that, it worked. If you're having problems with TaiG 2.0.0 hanging at 20% completion for the iOS 8.3 jailbreak, then try downgrading your version of iTunes.