
Springtomize 2 Now Available: Watch Our Video Walkthrough

We brought you the teaser trailer, and now we're bringing you the full story.

To celebrate the release of Springtomize 2, we've taken an in-depth look at the sequel to what is already a legendary app for jailbroken iPhones.

Where Springtomize changed the game with an insane amount of options and tweaks to customize the look of your iPhone's SpringBoard, Springtomize 2 is a much more polished rendition built from the ground up for iOS 5.

If you're at all interested in customizing your iPhone, you do not want to miss this video walkthrough...

WeeSpaces: Multitask Directly From Notification Center

Quickly switching between pages and apps via Notification Center is now possible, and WeeSpaces is the jailbreak widget that makes it so.

WeeSpaces is a widget that places links to all of your running apps and SpringBoard pages directly in Notification Center.

Interested to see how it works in action? Check inside for a video demonstration...

Message Icons: Compose New Mail And SMS Directly From Your Home Screen

Wouldn't it be nice if you could compose a new mail or SMS message with the touch of a button? Well now you can.

Introducing: Message Icons, a jailbreak tweak that recently graced Cydia. It allows you to bypass all of the fluff, and get right to writing an email or SMS message.

It's not the prettiest tweak in the world, but it's most certainly functional. Take a gander inside for a visual rundown...

SBMusic: Add iPod Playlists to Your Home Screen

Want a quick way to play your favorite playlists without venturing into your iPod app? Then check out SBMusic, it allows you to create bookmarks to your favorite playlists, and save them on your Home screen.

SBMusic is a jailbreak tweak that not only allows you to create custom bookmarks, but custom app icons as well. It's a great tool for those of you who want a quick and easy way to play your favorite tunes...

Brightness Icons: Brightness Controls Right on Your Home Screen

There's no shortage of brightness adjusting tweaks available on Cydia. You've got tweaks like Light Bright, SBBrightness, LockGestures, and many others that are all capable of adjusting your iPhone's brightness.

The latest addition to the fray is Brightness Icons — a tweak that places brightness adjusting app icons directly on your iPhone's SpringBoard...

SBPhoto: Create Home Screen Shortcuts to Your Photos

SBPhoto is a recently released jailbreak app, that lends you the convenience of adding a photo bookmark directly to your Home screen. Maybe there's one photo that you're always showing off, and you need to access it quickly? SBPhoto can hook you up.

By processing the snapshot through SBPhoto, you'll end up with an miniaturized representation of your photo on your Home screen as an app icon. Upon tapping that icon, it'll open a Safari instance, and then link you to that awesome photo of your cat doing the four legged splits, or whatever other bizarre behavior your cat likes to engage in...

MultiWall: Showcase Your iPhone’s Photo Library From the Comforts of Your SpringBoard

Yesterday, Redmond Pie ran a story on an upcoming jailbreak tweak entitled MultiWall. Its premise is a simple, yet promising one: It allows you to showcase and swipe between the pictures in your Photos app directly from your SpringBoard.

Because it uses two-finger mutitouch gestures, the swiping doesn't initiate page swipes, but instead changes between photos — either left or right — depending on the direction of your two-finger gesture.

According the YouTube video, MultiWall is still in beta stages at the moment. Check inside for a video sneak peak of MultiWall in motion...

‘SBFloatingIcons’ Places Your iPhone’s App Icons Into a Virtual Blender

SBFloatingIcons is a recently released jailbreak tweak that brings a measure of organized confusion to your iPhone's springboard.

In the same vein as tweaks like GraviBoard and others, SBFloatingIcons allows you manipulate all of the app icons on your iPhone's Home screen.

Once installed, you'll be able to add 3D rotation, 2D rotation, and 3D scaling to the icons in both your dock and the home screen. Check inside for a video demonstration of SBFloatingIcons in action...

‘CustomGrid’ Brings More Rows and Columns Than Your SpringBoard Can Handle

Looking for an interesting way to customize your iPhone's springboard? CustomGrid is the latest such jailbreak tweak that allows you to do just that.

As its name alludes to, CustomGrid allows you to customize the SpringBoard's grid on your iPhone's Home screen.

The stock SpringBoard grid is very simple and easy on the eyes at 4x4, not including the dock app icons. With CustomGrid, you can get downright ridiculous with a 12x12 grid if you're feeling particularly froggy. Full video details on the app icon madness inside...

Name Your iPhone’s SpringBoard Pages With ‘PageNames’

Do you consider yourself to be on the extreme side when it comes to organizing your iPhone’s Home screen? Perhaps you’re crazy about meticulously organizing each and every app in its appropriate folder?

Really, when it comes to organizing your iPhone, there’s no limit to how far you can take it. That’s where a tweak like PageNames comes in.

PageNames is a tweak that lets you assign names to specific pages on your iPhone’s Home screen, and this allows for even greater organization. Talk about taking OCD to the next level…

‘SBVolume’ is Great For Those With Broken Volume Buttons

I admit it; I couldn't come up with any valid reasons for SBVolume’s existence during the shooting of my video walkthough, but as always, you commentors picked up on the transgression.

SBVolume is a TweakWeek tweak that places soft volume buttons on your iPhone’s Home screen. It’s definitely not the prettiest implementation in the world, but it would be a welcome addition to anyone’s Home screen that has broken physical volume buttons.

I overlooked that need during the shooting of the video, hence the over-the-top negativity. But still, I stand by my notion that it could look a whole lot better than it does now. Details inside…

‘Random Icon Flip’ Brings the Gymnast Out of Your iPhone’s App Icons

Ever wanted to see your app icons randomly flip as if you Home screen was filled with a dozen miniature revolving doors?

To be honest, me neither; but it does look nice once the effect is there and you can see it in action.

Random Icon Flip is one of those tweaks that sounds horrible while hearing it described, but it actually starts to grow on you after using it...