
13 solutions to fix an AirPods case not charging

AirPods Case and Lightning cable to charge

The AirPods case is the only way to charge AirPods 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation, and AirPods Pro. If your AirPods charging case itself is having battery issues and isn't charging, here are some solutions to fix it.

This tutorial applies to both wireless charging and non-wireless charging AirPods cases.

YouTube videos keep buffering? Here’s the fix

I'm a big time YouTube user, and even though I have zippy fiber optic internet, it seems like there are still times when YouTube videos get stuck buffering instead of playing when I want to enjoy HD video streaming.

If you can relate, then you should take a few minutes to read this piece, because we'll be talking about some common remedies for the annoying buffering problem.

NoBlackFlicker fixes a graphical nuisance with the wallpaper when unlocking your iPhone

If you have a wallpaper on your Lock screen that doesn't match the one on your Home screen, you might have noticed a rather unsightly black frame effect that occurs in between the switch from one wallpaper to another as you unlock your iPhone or iPad.

NoBlackFlicker is a new free jailbreak tweak that fixes this unsightly black effect and makes the transition more appealing.

What to do if your Mac shows the wrong battery level

All Macs with internal batteries have a battery indicator in the Menu Bar or the macOS Control Center. In rare circumstances, the indicator may not display the correct battery level.

In this piece, we'll discuss the various troubleshooting steps you should try to remedy this problem.

Go Radar tracks Pokémon locations in real time

Pokémon GO is all the hype right now, and lots of people are enjoying playing it, but there is a substantially high number of people who are upset with the removal of the Footsteps feature in the game, and even more-so game developer Niantic's decision to start shutting down real-time Pokémon trackers.

If you're having trouble finding the Pokémon you want after the update that removed Footsteps, you might consider trying a crowdsourced Pokémon tracker app instead of one that relies on Niantic's servers to feed information.

Were you “forced” to start over after this weekend’s Pokémon GO update? Here’s the fix

Following this weekend's Pokémon GO game update from Niantic, many players who used their Google accounts to play have claimed that the update deleted their account data and forced them to start over by making a new account to play with.

If you were one of these people, this is a troubleshooting tutorial you'll want to read, as your account data is probably still there and you may have made a new account by mistake after following the on-screen instructions.

Problems jailbreaking iOS 9.3.3? Check these common mistakes

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard the great news about Pangu releasing an official jailbreak for iOS 9.2-9.3.3 over the weekend. Despite the fact that it's what we call a semi-untethered jailbreak around here, it's still a fully-functional jailbreak.

On the other hand, lots of people seem to be having some issues jailbreaking their devices, so we'll be talking about some of the common errors you might be making so you can try again and get your device jailbroken; finally!

How to hide the Favorites and Active Now sections in Facebook Messenger app

I have a big gripe with the Facebook Messenger app ever since Facebook decided to launch a major UI change without letting me know in the change log first. And now, I'm stuck with an annoyance right smack in the middle of my conversation list when I open the app.

Fortunately, there is a way to hide these annoying 'Favorites' and 'Active Now' sections, even if temporarily, and we'll show you how in this tutorial.