
PlayStation 5 jailbroken via Cryptogenic exploit

Jailbreaking isn’t just for iPhones. In fact, just about any device that runs firmware has the capacity to be hacked so that the end user can run mods not initially intended by the manufacturer of said device. Sony fans found that out Monday after an apparent jailbreak surfaced for the PlayStation 5 – Sony’s latest game console as of 2022.

Apple stops signing iOS 16.0 & 16.0.1, halting downgrades from iOS 16.0.2

iOS 16 firmware downgrade

Just last Thursday, Apple publicly released iOS 16.0.2 with a patchwork of bug fixes for the company’s latest mobile operating system – iOS 16. Just some of the remedies included with the update were a solution for the freaky camera vibration when using third-party apps and a resolution for the excessive clipboard permission prompts users would get upon pasting text copied from one app to another, among other things.

New IPSW app by Hyperixa lets jailbreakers learn which firmware is signed for their device

One thing jailbreakers and jailbreak hopefuls must pay close attention to is their handset’s firmware. Apple intently unsigns older versions of iOS and iPadOS to prevent users from downgrading to them from newer versions — an effort that makes jailbreaking more difficult as Apple pushes software updates frequently to patch the bugs and exploits used by jailbreak tools.