Cydia Substrate

Unc0ver v3.0.0 beta 29 arrives with support for Cydia on A8X-A11 devices running iOS 12.0-12.1.2

After much anticipation, hacker and unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd has dropped the 29th beta of the unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release with full support for iOS 12. Unlike the ‘partial’ iOS 12 support that unc0ver picked up just under two weeks ago, today’s news means that unc0ver now bundles an iOS 12-compatible version of Cydia and Cydia Substrate.

Important to note right off the bat is that this is a public beta and should be treated as such. The unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release does not yet support every device that can run iOS 12, however, that’s expected to change soon as work on the jailbreak tool continues throughout the public beta.

Pwn20wnd hints that he’s about to drop the first public beta of his iOS 12 jailbreak

Hacker and unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd is continuing the hype for his upcoming iOS 12 jailbreak on Friday as he inches closer to dropping the first public beta.

Subtle hints made their way to Twitter this afternoon as Pwn20wnd changed his name once again from “Pwn20wnd is preparing unc0ver for iOS 12…” to “Pwn20wnd is preparing to drop unc0ver for iOS 12:”

Pwn20wnd shares progress update concerning the iOS 12 jailbreak with Cydia & Cydia Substrate support

In case you’ve been MIA these past few weeks, hacker and unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd has been working hard on a full-fledged iOS 12 jailbreak with Cydia and Cydia Substrate support. And as it would seem, he’s quickly approaching the finish line.

Small revisions to the unc0ver v3.0.0 pre-release here and there have added ‘partial’ iOS 12 support for certain devices without Cydia or Cydia Substrate; but thanks to a rootfs remount released just over a week ago, we’re now closer than ever to enjoying all the perks of a full-blown iOS 12 jailbreak with Cydia and Cydia Substrate. But just how close are we?

Pwn20wnd gets jailbreak tweaks working under Cydia Substrate on iOS 12

Team unc0ver has been working exceptionally hard in the past several weeks to fully jailbreak iOS 12, and while co-creator Sam Bingner teased a functional Cydia app on iOS 12 just this week, he also noted that there was still a lot of work to be done before it’d be ready for the general public.

Fortunately, hacker and unc0ver lead developer Pwn20wnd dropped a bombshell Saturday morning when he Tweeted that he had successfully gotten jailbreak tweaks to run with the help of Cydia Substrate on iOS 12:

Looking to give Cydia a modernized facelift? Try CellDia

Despite the relatively small number of redecorations the Cydia app has received over the last several years, it continues to be a reliable package manager today. Fortunately, Saurik (Jay Freeman) empowered developers to tweak and modify the Cydia app under Cydia Substrate starting in 2015.

Given the circumstances, the ball is very much in the jailbreak community’s court to make Cydia look and behave differently than it does out of the box, and that’s exactly what a free jailbreak tweak called CellDia by iOS developer Julio Verne attempts to accomplish as you’re about to witness.

Saurik updates Cydia Substrate several times overnight with critical bug fixes

It was just two weeks ago that Saurik (Jay Freeman) released an official update for Cydia Substrate with full support for the unc0ver jailbreak on iOS 11, but as you might have noticed, there’ve been some issues surrounding the release.

Cydia Substrate has received several updates since the initial release, primarily to fix ‘freezing’ and ‘respring looping’ issues that some users experienced after updating, but older handsets like the iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 continued to exhibit unexplained instability.

Saurik updates Cydia Substrate in response to ‘freezing’ and ‘respring loop’ reports

Saurik (Jay Freeman) launched an official iOS 11-centric update for Cydia Substrate less than two weeks ago, but it wasn’t long after installing it that some jailbreakers started reporting arbitrary freezes and problems with specific jailbreak tweaks. Flustered jailbreakers took to a support page on GitHub, where Saurik said that he successfully reproduced the bug and was looking into a fix.

If you were one of many affected by these bugs, then you’ll be excited to learn that Saurik pushed two consecutive updates to Cydia Substrate – the first (version 0.9.7010 came late Friday night, while the second (version 0.9.7011) came early Saturday morning. Naturally, the latter encompasses the latest fixes.

Saurik acknowledges Cydia Substrate freezing bug in latest update, says fix is imminent

Less than two weeks ago, Saurik (Jay Freeman) released an official iOS 11-centric update for Cydia Substrate, but it wasn’t long after the release that users who installed the package began reporting unexpected freezing issues with their jailbroken handsets.

A support thread was opened on GitHub nine days ago brought some much-needed attention to the issue, prompting high-profile members of the community like Pwn20wnd, sbingner, and Saurik to start looking into it.

Saurik releases Cydia Substrate 0.9.7000 with full support for the unc0ver jailbreak

Saurik released Cydia Substrate 0.9.7000 on Monday, an updated version of the code insertion platform that brings full support for the unc0ver jailbreak, improved stability on iOS 11, and much more.

Citing a Tweet shared by Saurik Monday morning, Cydia Substrate 0.9.7000 is allegedly the most “well-tested update ever” deployed for the platform, and is verified to work on most significant jailbreakable firmware versions, including iOS 3.0, 4.3.1, 5.1.1, 6.1.3, 7.1.2, 8.0, 9.0.2, 10.1.1 (mach_portal), 11.1.2 (extender), and 11.3.1 (unc0ver):

Pwn20wnd releases unc0ver v2.0.0 public beta w/ support for Cydia Substrate, bug fixes, and more

It’s been a little while since we’ve seen any updates for the unc0ver jailbreak tool; the latest update to be released was version 1.1.4, more than three weeks ago. But despite what appeared to be a sudden halt in rapid update releases, it appears that iOS hacker Pwn20wnd has indeed been hard at work on another update for the iOS 11-centric jailbreak tool.

The public beta of unc0ver v2.0.0 has announced by Pwn20wnd via his Twitter account on Thursday, signaling what some might consider to be a major update for the jailbreak and many of its internal mechanisms:

The popular Eclipse dark mode tweak is being prepped for iOS 11

I’ve tested and used numerous jailbreak tweaks over the years, but one of my all-time favorites has been Eclipse by iOS developer Guillermo Morán (fr0st). For those who don’t already know, Eclipse provides a system-wide dark mode feature for iPhones and iPads.

Eclipse consistently receives updates with each jailbreak season, and as it would seem, iOS 11 won’t be any different. Morán took to his Twitter account this week to tease images of the next iteration of Eclipse, which he fittingly calls EclipseX.