
How to quickly dismiss an autocorrect suggestion on Mac

Image to illustrate autocorrect on Mac

There are two ways to dismiss an autocorrect suggestion. There is the obvious one, which lets you use your mouse pointer to reject the autocorrection, and there is a keyboard shortcut that's actually much quicker to use, especially when you're currently typing.

In this brief post, we will show you how to swiftly ignore the autocorrect suggestion on your Mac using an easily accessible keyboard action.

12 words your iPhone won’t auto-correct

No auto-correct on iPhone for certain words

Apple's implementation of auto-correct in iOS has long been the subject of criticism. When it works, it works, but it has the reputation of being inconsistent. Sometimes it won't notice slight misspellings of a word, and other times, it'll offer wrong suggestions. And apparently, there's a handful of words that auto-correct won't touch at all.

The Daily Beast ran a few low-grade, in-house tests on the feature, and it found that, on top of the obvious curse words, there are at least 12 often-used, 'hot button' terms it seems to purposely ignore.

How iOS 7 makes auto-correct better

I'd be lying if I said I've never been embarrassed by a text message I sent containing an accidentally auto-corrected word. I'm sure you've been there too. It can be embarrassing, or it can be hilarious, depending who's receiving the message and what's being said, but at the end of the day, it's something that could have been prevented should your iPhone auto-correct be a little smarter.

And smarter it appears to be in iOS 7! Christian touched on this earlier today with a post on how the keyboard features in iOS 7 have gotten smarter, but I'd like to focus a little more on auto-correct with a few real life examples and comparison points with iOS 6...

A closer look at smarter keyboard in iOS 7

The iOS virtual keyboard has seen little changes since the iPhone's inception six years ago. Apart from a few  baby steps here and there, each new major iOS release has brought little in terms of improving the typing experience on iPhones, iPads and iPods.

In turn, developers have readily stepped up their game with a number of keyboard-focused tweaks for jailbroken devices in order to, you know, just keep pace with Android. Virtual keyboard in iOS 7 is of course translucent and like other frosty panels seen throughout the system shows heavily blurred content underneath to an arguably stunning effect.

Apart from the visual updates, we have noticed a few under-the-hood improvements in iOS 7 seemingly aimed at making the iPhone's predictive keyboard smarter. Go past the fold for the full breakdown...

Apple suing Samsung over autocorrect patent

The battle between Apple and Samsung over patents has been going on for quite a while, and it seems there are new lawsuits every week. Yesterday, PaidContent reported that Apple has once again sued Samsung in a U.S District Court in San Jose, for two patents it was granted in December, adding to the mass of lawsuits already happening between the two companies.

The first patent pertains to Apple's famous autocorrect...