
Sleeper augments your iPhone’s native alarm interface with much-needed features

The alarm feature found in your iPhone’s native Clock app is particularly useful when you need to wake up at a specific time every morning, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to say that Apple could make iOS’ alarm interface a bit more intuitive.

iOS developer Joshua Seltzer recognized some of the inadequacies that are present in the iPhone’s native alarm interface, and to help combat those shortcomings, has just released a new jailbreak tweak called Sleeper in Cydia.

ToneItDown makes previewing alarm tones in the Clock app less intrusive

One thing I’ve noticed while configuring alarms on my iPhone is that the alarm tone preview always resets the volume to 50%, regardless of any adjustments you make with the volume buttons while previewing those tones. That said, it’s a somewhat obnoxious experience to choose the right tone for your upcoming alarm.

Those who agree about the circumstances will come to appreciate a new free jailbreak tweak called ToneItDown by iOS developer LacertosusDeus, as it was specifically designed to mitigate this oversight on Apple’s part.

SnoozeX provides a more intuitive firing alarm interface for iOS

Whenever one of your iPhone’s alarm fires, you’re presented with an interface where you can either snooze or stop the alarm indefinitely. Many have expressed their dissatisfaction with iOS’ native alarm firing interface, and with that in mind, iOS developer VincentMDIM came out with a jailbreak tweak called SnoozeX to address that.

SnoozeX makes the iOS’ alarm firing interface more intuitive, especially for those who have trouble waking up early in the morning after their alarm goes off. As depicted by the screenshot examples above, SnoozeX makes the alarm firing interface easier to interact with, which will be appreciated by folks who are still half asleep when the alarm sounds.

No2Theft2 protects your iPhone from thieves and pranksters

Whether you’re always paranoid about someone stealing your iPhone when you set it down on a table somewhere in public or you’ve just got lousy friends that like to play pranks on you, a jailbreak tweak called No2Theft2 by iOS developer Elias Sfeir promises to let you know whenever someone tries to be nefarious with your handset.

After you’ve installed and configured No2Theft2, you can rest assured that if someone’s doing something fishy with your iPhone behind your back, you’ll know about it. The tweak uses several methods to notify you whenever someone picks up your handset and enters the passcode incorrectly.

AlarmFade makes waking up to morning alarms on your iPhone more pleasant

Many people rely on their iPhone’s alarm to get up every morning, and while it’s evident that Apple spent a lot of time polishing the alarm interface, there are certainly a few ways that it could be improved.

With that in mind, it should come as no surprise to anyone that iOS developer Nils Kirchhof has released a new free jailbreak tweak called AlarmFade with the intention of making a few improvements to the iPhone’s alarm experience. But does it? – Let’s find out.

AlarmGroups brings a popular grouped alarm concept for iOS to life

Many people use the alarm feature in their iPhone’s Clock app to wake up on time for school or work every morning, but sometimes users will hit the stop button and inadvertently fall back asleep, defeating the purpose of setting the alarm in the first place.

You could create a cascade of alarms to prevent this from being a problem, or you could use a new free jailbreak tweak called AlarmGroups by iOS developer Fouad Raheb, which streamlines the process of generating and grouping multiple alarms to ensure you wake up every morning.

Good Morning: A tweak that launches your favorite app before you wake up every morning

Many people, including myself, reach for their iPhone after waking up every morning to check their missed notifications and catch up on their favorite app(s). But how would you like it if your iPhone knew what you wanted to do every morning and prepared that information before you ever woke up?

A new jailbreak tweak dubbed Good Morning by iOS developer Justin Proulx is a brilliant first step in this direction.

Add countdown timers to your pending iPhone alarms with SleepyTime

If you get up for class or work every morning, then you’re probably accustomed to setting the alarm on your iPhone to ensure you wake up early enough. iOS’ alarm interface is rather polished right out of the box, but there’s still room for improvement.

A free jailbreak tweak called SleepyTime by iOS developer SparkDev enhances iOS’ alarm interface by displaying the time remaining before one or more of your alarms fire off.

This tweak displays a countdown to your alarm in Control Center

If you take advantage of the alarm feature on your iPhone or iPad as often as I do, then a new free jailbreak tweak called CCAlarmETA by iOS developer LonestarX may come off as intriguing to you.

Precisely as the name implies, CCAlarmETA puts an ETA indicator inside of the Control Center-based alarm shortcut any time there's an active alarm on your handset.

How to set and manage alarms on HomePod

Blue HomePod mini on a white table

Like other Apple devices, your HomePod permits you to set custom alarms.

You can create multiple alarms using just your voice, optionally add some context to them, if you like, and more. Your Siri speaker will signal you when one of your created alarms goes off.

Siri on HomePod allows you to create as many alarms as you want, manage them, remove ones you no longer need, turn specific alarms on or off, create recurring alarms, and more.

Alarms do not synchronize across multiple devices via iCloud. Any alarms created using your HomePod will not appear on your Mac, iPhone, or other devices, and vice versa.

DynamicTimer automatically configures iOS timers to “Stop Playing” when music is playing

Anyone who uses the timer in iOS knows that it's useful for one of two things: 1) to count down for something special, or 2) to make your music playback stop after a designated amount of time.

If you use your iOS timer for both cases mentioned above frequently, then it can be cumbersome to switch back and forth between your favorite sound and the "Stop Playing" option for each situation. Fortunately, a new free jailbreak tweak called DynamicTimer by iOS developer KingPuffdaddi helps automate this process.