
How to visit a blocked or geo-restricted website on iPhone and Mac

Map of world with iPhone on front showing a restricted website that failed to load

Government, school, office, and network administrators may block certain websites. It often includes adult sites, social media, gaming, political, news, or sites related to sensitive topics. If you're in a similar situation and wish to access blocked or geo-restricted content, here are four free and easy ways to visit such websites on your iPhone, Mac, and other devices.

Some of the best jailbreak tweaks for web browsing on iOS 14

Jailbreaking is a large part of what we do here at iDownloadBlog, and that’s one of the reasons why we so vehemently carry out our mission of helping our readers with jailbreak tweak discovery. This is especially critical given the vast number of decent jailbreak tweaks that jailbreakers often forget about as newer releases come to fruition.

We’ve already curated hand-picked lists of some of the best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Control Center, Home Screen, Keyboard, Lock Screen, Messages app, Now Playing interface, notification system, Status Bar, and widget system, but we won’t stop there because there are still several another facets of Apple’s mobile operating system that can be augmented with third party add-ons.

This jailbreak tweak brings autocorrect to Safari’s search bar

Autocorrect can make small adjustments to your typing in real-time to help keep your spelling in check when messaging or typing notes. But one place where autocorrect doesn’t seem to apply is the multi-function search bar in the Safari app.

It seems Apple went out of their way to prevent URLs from being auto-corrected into incorrect URLs before visiting a website. On the other hand, autocorrect can be a useful asset if you habitually misspell search queries since the search bar is used for both URLs and search queries; not just one or the other.

NetFence is an effective outgoing firewall for jailbroken iPhones & iPads

Most people view the internet as a powerful tool for accessing information in an instant, but advertising companies see it in just the same way — often utilizing the very internet connection you depend on for said information to track your every move and report back with personally identifiable statistics.

A firewall can help preserve your anonymity and privacy over the internet by giving you the distinct choice to allow or deny these connection requests. That’s just one reason why a newly released jailbreak tweak dubbed NetFence by iOS developer FoxfortMobile might be of interest to you.

Enjoy iPad-style tabbed browsing in Safari on iOS 14 iPhones with SafariTab14

One thing Apple got right with Safari on the iPad was its desktop-class tabbed web browsing, and it really peeves me that a similar tabbed web browsing experience isn’t available on the iPhone — at least not while browsing in the commonly-used portrait orientation, that is.

Given the fact that so many iPhone users resent Apple’s decision not to offer tabbed browsing on the iPhone in all screen orientations, it’s not surprising to see that the jailbreak community continuously provides for users who don’t want Apple making such poor accessibility decisions on their part.

How to delete your Google Maps history on iPhone and the web

Google Maps Activity on the Web on a MacBook

Just like you remove your history in Apple Maps, you can delete your search, review, and share history in Google Maps. Maybe you want to keep some items from showing up in your Recent searches or forget an entire day of Google Maps activity.

You can view and remove places from your history on your mobile device or the web. And you can choose to delete individual locations, a day or week, or every place in that history. Here, we’ll show you how to do just that, delete your Google Maps history.

How to capture full page screenshots in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on Mac

Full web page screenshot on Mac

There are plenty of times when you want to capture and save a screenshot of an entire webpage. It could be a research article, a helpful tutorial, a vertical photo, a shopping site’s product display, or even a lengthy meme.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to take and save a screenshot of a full web page or scrolling screenshot in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox on your Mac.